Author Topic: Burping baby at night - how to do in swaddle/without making baby too awake  (Read 6603 times)

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Offline KookyK

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Any advice on this?

I think DS 14 weeks wakes a lot in the early hours due to wind. He is BF but does gulp a lot with my fast let down even tho I lean back to feed. I can't hand express well enough to express te initial gush off.

He is swaddled. If I undo the swaddle he gets v excited, stretches and is v awake as opposed to awake but drowsy. Is there a swaddle burping technique? He doesn't seem comfortable if I try to put him swaddled over my shoulder. Is there a way that is gentle and sleepy to burp babies? He goes back to sleep after a feed fine so he's not in immediate discomfort but I can hear him swaddle air and later on passing wind!
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Re: Burping baby at night - how to do in swaddle/without making baby too awake
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2013, 21:02:23 pm »
I unfortunately do not have an answer for you however I'm wondering the same thing.  I am no longer swaddling my daughter - she's 11 weeks and is settling/sleeping fine without.  I too have a fast let down and she gulps in a ton of air and I know it's often gas that wakes her in the night.  I try rubbing her back to work the burps out but I find it takes forever and is not as affective as a good pat.  I must admit there have been a couple nights I've given her Ovol drops after a feeding to break up the bubbles and she has slept better but I don't want to have to medicate her!

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Re: Burping baby at night - how to do in swaddle/without making baby too awake
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2013, 23:03:06 pm »
Hun could you gently put LO over your shoulder and try to bring the wind up by rubbing up her back? This worked well for my first who wasn't swaddled but you could wind in a swaddled Ike this I think.

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Offline KookyK

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Re: Burping baby at night - how to do in swaddle/without making baby too awake
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2013, 08:08:20 am »
In was thinking of buying the wind relief drops. I find it difficult to get him to stay over y shoulder swaddled as his arms would normally keep him up. I will persevere and let you know how I get on...
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Re: Burping baby at night - how to do in swaddle/without making baby too awake
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2013, 08:11:59 am »

How about over your lap with one leg slightly elevated (baby on tummy) with the leg elevated it leaves a little room so arms are not squished. I always used to unswaddle to change bum so would burp unswaddled! She would wrap back up just fine though x

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Re: Burping baby at night - how to do in swaddle/without making baby too awake
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2013, 09:16:50 am »
I used to sit mine on my lap and sort of lift so they were sitting up very very straight and rock them backwards and forwards from the hips like they were doing 'row row your boat'. But give the drops if they help, they are super mild/safe and don't stay in their system.

Offline KookyK

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Re: Burping baby at night - how to do in swaddle/without making baby too awake
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2013, 07:44:57 am »
Last night at bedtime 7pm I did dentinox drops, row your boat burping and over the shoulder! I got three burps and he went to bed and stayed in bed for the first time in a while! Normally after an hour his wind is too bad, he often poos and then is awake til 9 so this is progress!

Will admit I didn't burp in the night as he didn't have v big feeds and didn't gulp too badly plus I've been getting up to him and DD so much I didn't want to risk a wakeful patch if I woke him too much for winding.

He hates the dentinox. Makes him scream so I wonder if he takes in air from the screaming. Will play that by ear.
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Offline KookyK

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Re: Burping baby at night - how to do in swaddle/without making baby too awake
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2013, 10:00:51 am »
I've realised that if I block feed him at night ie same boob for both feeds he seems a bit more settled. Perhaps a thicker milk more hind milk causes less gas? Just a theory based on last night only! I've quit the dentinox for now as he cried so much takin it and is full of cold too ATM.
DD jan 2008
DS August 2013