Hmmm so I'm back again about Miss G!
So the first nap has always been the most difficult to extend but sometimes, if I lie with her and the moon and stars are in alignment
she will sleep 1.5-2hrs!
We're now up to 2hrs 45mins A which I know is quite high for her age- she's just turned 5mos but she's always been highish A times and manages well on v little sleep. Some days I cannot get the 3rd nap in and she ends up with a mega long A to bed but she will often do a longer night with an early BT so down before 7 and sleep until 8am as a catch-up (with NWs and NFs of course!)
So now I'm having trouble extending the second nap which previously I could, say 50% of the time. She's not an independent sleeper but I plan to start STing a week today so I'm trying to get a grip on her A times. We've never had any success reducing the second A so I don't usually or by v much at least as it doesn't seem to make any difference.
So the last few days have been
Wake up 8:20 (I'm fairly flexible about her WU so if we can lie in a bit later after her nights then I'm happy to do that!)
A time 2.75hrs
S 11:05- 11:40
A time 2 hrs 25 mins
S 2:05-2:40
A time 2hrs 20
S 5:00- 5:35 (this was a real battle for DH)
A time 2.75hrs
BT 8:20 (I was aiming for 8pm but she was wide awake!)
NW 9:40 settled immediately for DH
NF 2:10
NF 5:55
Wake-up 8:10 DH woke us up! Now that was a GOOD night for G, v good! Often it's 2-3feeds and quite a few NWs needing resettling but that could be AP related.
Wake up 8:10
A time 2hrs 40mins
S 10:55-11:35 (tried to resettle for 5mins but she's always smiling and happy as soon as I go in)
A time 2hrs 35mins
S 2:10-2:50 (again I was hoping to resettle but a no go)
A time 2hrs 15mins
S 5:05-5:30
A 2hrs 20
BT 7:50
NF 12:10
NF 3:40ish???
NF 5:50 (I know but I just wanted another hr of sleep!)
Wake up 7:30am
Now that her A times are getting long and the naps are still short I don't know how we're going to get to 2 naps. Some days we've been forced to have 2 naps if she does a 2hr nap in the PM and it's either gone brilliantly well or disastrously! Ha! She's never unhappy after a short nap and copes with the OT really well. It's just the effect upon the nights and her E really that is the issue.
So should I push that A time some more? For the first A? What about the second? That last nap is really tough and then after the 3rd nap I try to keep the A time to 2hrs but she just won't sleep! If I lie her in the cot she happily plays and babbles so I am literally rocking and rocking or feeding and feeding
to try and get her into bed!
Any thoughts appreciated! Thanks x