Author Topic: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?  (Read 1527 times)

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Offline RebekahDSC

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Hi! We are expecting LO #2 in about 8 weeks and trying to be as prepared as possible for this huge change! I didn't start my first child on EASY until she was 3 or 4 months old and that was a big mistake because by then we had a lot of sleep problems already! This time around we are planning to start EASY from the beginning. Since I've never done that before, I'm not really sure what to expect. I've read up on here some about it but I still have some questions. Mostly I'm wondering what it will really be like day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute when baby #2 is just a newborn.


I know newborns sleep like crazy and usually can sleep pretty much anywhere. So will I need to actually "put him to sleep" or just put him in bed when it is time to sleep?

If I do have to put him to sleep, how do I do this without becoming a prop (to me it seems that using shush-pat would cause him to need me in order to fall asleep which is not something I want to teach him)

What does a newborn's typical routine look like? Especially, what is a good bedtime for a newborn And how long of a night is typical? (I realize there will be night feeds in there) It looks like 12 hours is sometimes recommended in sample routines but this doesn't seem to match with the recommended 5-6 hours night sleep.

How often does a newborn need to have their naps in bed vs. in someone's arms? With family coming to meet the new little guy, I imagine people are going to want to hold him while he is sleeping...

Thanks so much!

Offline shannoncorrin

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2013, 21:51:05 pm »
Hello, I am new too, so I don't have all the answers!  I have been trying to follow easy from the beginning, but it hasn't worked out yet for me! I'm hoping its going to click soon.  My little guy is 5 weeks old.  I have made a log, but I haven't been as detailed as I wish I would have from the beginning.  Now I am writing a paragraph about what I did each nap!  I am having a devil of a time getting him on a routine.  Sometimes he feeds every 2 hours, sometimes 3, sometimes in between, so having consistency throughout the day has been my biggest challenge.  I would like to know when others were able to have some consistency?   I tell myself everyday, today is a new day, we are going to get it figured out.  Another thing that I made the mistake of doing was expecting way too much wake time from my little one in the beginning.  Now we have a hard time winding down for naps because of that. 

In regards to your one question, when he was brand new he slept in peoples arms a lot, and it didn't seem to matter, he doesn't sleep in anyone arms anymore.  They don't start getting spoiled for several more months I hear. 

Shhhh pat works pretty well for me now. If you need it, I would recommend trying it! 

Congrats!  I hope it goes well for you!

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2013, 03:36:27 am »
Hey, I remember the month it took you to get yourself a plan before you started with E!

I started from day dot and I tied myself up in knots over naps not being in the cot and not being long enough. After 6 weeks, I was in tears at the child health nurses' drop in centre and she said that if I give him the opportunity to sleep, I've done my bit. There's a little more to it than that but in essence, that's all you can do.

To keep it simple in the early months:
- do EAS in order - that really helps
- do a full 12hr night in his own cot
- one nap/day in his cot is doing really well in the first 3 months. By 4 months when you're moving to 4hr EASY, that's when you really want to be having him in his cot most of the time (though you may find getting E out and about you need him to sleep in the pram too, in which case, use that as a secondary 'cot' space for him - don't walk him to sleep in it unless you're prepared to have that movement as a prop).

Above all, try to relax and enjoy him - he's only going to be small for a short time and those cuddles are so important in helping him feel safe and secure. You know its possible for EASY to work from 5 months onwards, its tough to achieve, but so is having EASY going like a dream at 2 months with a 2.5yr old sibling. Do what works to keep you sane - there are gentle ways to get him on track when your whole family is ready :-*

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2013, 13:56:02 pm »
^^^I couldn't agree more with Bec.

I have started as well from day one and if I am totally honest about, I wish I enjoyed DS more back than rather than worrying to much about not AP. Those cuddles don't ever come back again.
I found it really difficult to ST any time before 5m actually. I know that many parents here had the same experience, as when your LO is 5-6m old it's still difficult to ST, but this is an age when a baby can already learn the skills of self soothing, not before that.

I always say that if you manage to keep the routine in the "right" order then you are already doing a lot. And even the order can be different than E, then A and then S. For some babies this order really doesn't work and if another order is working for your baby, for you and for your family then by all means go for it!
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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2013, 17:20:32 pm »
I totally feel the same for you, I am due in about 10 weeks and am determined to start EASY from day one! And I was also wondering what it would be like day to day.
But it seems like most of the moms here dont start EASY actually after at least 12 weeks. But as you said, with your LO1, 10 weeks already would make lots of problems already.

I GUESS with newborns, they will probably sleep  A LOT, so I would just make sure to feed every 3 hrs at least, and if he needs feed in between, I would also feed. The NF would be the most challenging part for me, I would start the night from 7Pm and do the cluster feeding and DF for sure, and see how your LO would do during the night.

Sleeping wise, I am still learning to understand how and what to do when they wake at night multiple times.
I wish there would be more moms posting sample EASY routines with NBs from day 1, it would be greatly valuable. one actually manged to start it from day 1....but Tracy said in BW  to start EASY right after you come back from the hospital... ??? So I am quite confused also.

Calling for more experienced moms to share more of their NB EASY experiences!

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2013, 17:37:27 pm »
Bec summarized this so well! Thanks for that. I needed the reminder!

So I didn't start until about 5m with DS and then tried to start from birth with DD. I've learned that what Bec said is exactly right. This time around I've done nothing but follow her cues for these first 2 weeks. Feeding on demand to get my supply up, she's sleeping in arms or the sling all the time, etc. Today I am starting to work on getting things into an EAS pattern. But will still APOP a lot. I'd like to get her doing 1 nap in the crib per day by the time I go back to work when she is 9 weeks old. I got there with DD1 and I think it laid the groundwork well.

I wish there would be more moms posting sample EASY routines with NBs from day 1, it would be greatly valuable. one actually manged to start it from day 1....but Tracy said in BW  to start EASY right after you come back from the hospital..
I like to think Tracy meant this more in a 'start as you mean to go on' kind of way. I don't see how anyone could start a strict EASY from day 1. It's just impossible when they're so tiny. And that's ok. Bad habits aren't formed yet at this age, I don't believe. They're just too little and their needs are so great. Also I remind myself that no matter what I do, bad habits will be formed eventually! No one ever has a perfect EASY or a perfect time of it, no matter how early they start. Hang around here long enough and you'll see that. Haha! I have to laugh because it's just the truth. We will all have bumps in the road. I try to remind myself that if I have EASY and  BW techniques in my head from the beginning, even if we're not closely adhering to them yet, that I'm setting us up for more success later, if that makes any sense.

Congrats on the impending new arrival! :D

Offline 3littlemen

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2013, 19:57:30 pm »
I did try from day one, and I think I had teary days from that day forth. Thanks to many ladies here, I think it is just easier and give yourselves a break. Especially with two older littlies I find that my best hope for the day is to stick with EAS, in that he Eats then he's awake and then he goes to Sleep when he says he needs to, not when I am ready. It's not that easy either but we're getting there. Being my last night, I want to really enjoy him and I found that crying sessions in the bassinet weren't helping. So as the ladies ^^^^ suggested, get the pattern right and see how you go.

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2013, 20:11:01 pm »
Im aiming for 1 nap in the buggy at the moment...the
others have been in our arms-despite my intentions!

Offline becj86

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2013, 20:37:46 pm »
One other thing, we all think NBs sleep loads! Mine didn't. He spent a lot of time screaming in pain until we got feeds under control. He slept when he was exhausted and could sleep through the pain. Nights were much better than days for some reason.

I also gave him too much A time  too early because I was trying for 3hr EASY 1.5hr A, 1.5hr S. Sounds silly now, but that was my FTM mistake ;)

Starting as you mean to go on in regards to the big things is important - the order of the routine makes it way easier to ST, sleeping LO in his cot for nights (or knowing that you have to transition him slowly to his cot if you choose to co-sleep). This is not a strict by-the-clock routine, its about making it easier to tune into your baby's needs. If you've just fed him, his cry is more likely a tired/I want cuddles cry than a hungry cry, yk?

As a new mum with a c-section that reached from one hip to the other, I did 1.5hr straight of shush/pat over the side of a cot trying to get a screaming 4 week old baby to sleep "because he needs sleep!" Eventually I had to walk away from him for a minute because I caught myself screaming at him "why won't you just f^%*ing sleep?!" I had undiagnosed PPD after a somewhat traumatic birth and I was taking the book too literally. I had an idea from 'starting EASY at 4 months or older' stuck in my head - do shush/pat for the whole length of the nap, then get LO up and carry on with the day. Eventually LO will learn to sleep in the cot.

I ST'd L successfully for day naps in a cot at 4-5months. Prior to that, he slept in the cot every night but for naps, it was the pram, swaddled on the loungeroom floor, in a baby basket in the laundry, wherever I was at the time. I followed EAS order and used the average A time as a guide on when to give him the opportunity to sleep. This meant that when I went to ST for the cot, he had the right timings for A and S, his body was used to sleeping, etc. so the only thing he was learning was sleeping in the cot. ST is so much harder if you're also trying to figure out the timings that suit, esp. after 4 months.

STing before 6 months makes things easier for training and to prevent further difficulty with sleep. At 6 months, LO's have a developmental leap that allows them their first realisation that you are a separate being from them and that you *can* go away. Its also the time that most LO's need to be able to recognise their surroundings if they rouse at 45min in their nap so that they can get back to sleep. For that, they have to go into bed awake enough that they can see where they are so they can resettle themselves. Developmental leaps along the way, as well as teething, illness and life in general will at times have your routine flexing (or seemingly breaking), so keep in mind this is a routine, not a schedule.

I just am trying to set you up with expectations that are a bit closer to reality. As a pregnant woman, I thought I would do EASY from day 1 and I'd have a perfect routine and everything would be predictable. As a new mum, I resented L's grandmother for holding him to sleep when he was 6 days old, I was smiling on the outside but fuming on the inside that she was setting me up for failure. I now know that babies need a lot of cuddles and they're not awake long enough to get them all while they're awake when they're NBs. That need for affection is not a 'want', its a need - for emotional development and wellbeing.

Basically in the first 13 weeks (when he's tehcnically a NB), you're transitioning your baby from his entire experience having been in your belly to the much harsher outside world - the easier you can make that transition on him, the better. Just being out and experiencing light, sound unimpeded by your flesh is an assault on his senses.

We'll be here to support you through the weeks, months and years ahead.

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2013, 22:37:22 pm »
^^^^ agree with all the advice that others have said already.

My personality type is that I am a control freak and I can't help's the way I am. HOWEVER, when it came to parenting and get my head round all that went with it the first time - I just chilled and relaxed and did not allow myself to stress. On the days that I was stressing about timings, etc - those were the very days that things would be haywire....because he was picking up on my stress.
(I'm pretty sure that I read that something about hormones while breastfeeding keep you calmer & this is certainly true for me)

Here are my thoughts on EASY from day 1:
* I would only be looking at getting the order of EAS - not really looking at any clock at all for the first few weeks
* be aware that A time will be minimal in the first few wks.
* I tried to show my babies the difference between night and day by changing nappy AFTER their feed in the daytime and BEFORE their feed in the nighttime.
* I found shh/ pat good. Also, I sing the a verse of a song to signal that it's nap time.
* Use EASY to try and "trouble shoot" what your baby needs - sleep, food, comfort? - rather than as a strict "schedule" to be followed minute by minute.

I must add that both of my boys are angel (with tiniest bit of touchiness) & angel-textbook, so I know that makes a difference.

Also, I'll echo what others have said; this time is but a short time....enjoy the huggles and snuggles....and give them all the love and cuddles that they want...even if that means a nap In your arms
I don't believe that you can spoil your child before 6 months, although I do think that habits can prob start to form around the 4 month mark.
I read an article once which spoke of treating your baby for the first 3 months as an extension of your pregnancy (the fourth trimester)- it was so lovely and I think it had a lot of merit too. Especially when you will have another young one round the house - you might find that you do "whatever works", because that's all you can do when trying to entertain your older child. Hey!! There's nothing wrong with that!!! It's called reality. *i think, anyway*

And bear in mind - it's unlikely that your child will be heading off to college still needing to be fed to sleep/ to be shh/patted to sleep ;) ....need to keep things in perspective ;)

Best of luck ladies - it's such a special and precious time.

Offline RebekahDSC

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2013, 19:43:38 pm »
Holy cow! You Ladies are AMAZING!!!  ;D Thank you so much for all of the great responses! These are actually really, really helpful.  I'm sorry I've been out of town or I would have told you sooner.

Something that I really think will help me a lot this time around is having DH more involved.  When E was born he was working an insanely busy job and his job now is a lot more normal. He certainly tried to help as much as he could, but he didn't really know what was going on with all of the "a times" and other such things!  :P ;) Now he is very much more aware and a part of that stuff and I even have him reading parts of the original BW book at my request!  ;) :D He's a lot better than me at just going with the flow and enjoying the moment rather than getting all uptight if things don't go as planned (as is, unfortunately, my tendency  :-\) so having him on board I believe will help a ton! 

Bec, I'm so sorry for what you went through with the PPD and everything. Looking, back I believe I had that as well, and a lot of PP anxiety, too (both of which you can probably see evidence of in my early posts!) I'm determined this time around to be more aware of my own needs. Thanks for being a life line in those early days of starting EASY!  :)

I think we'll try to focus when he's on newborn on getting the order of EAS down and avoiding bad habits as much as we possibly can. I really think it will help a ton that we know better now a little bit what to expect and what to avoid doing! I'm really glad several of you brought up the importance of holding him some of the time he is sleeping for his emotional health. I think that's a really important point. I'm sure I'll be back with more questions going forward, but I feel like you all have helped me be more prepared already so I'm really grateful! Thanks again!  ;D

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2013, 12:38:49 pm »
Good luck! not too long now :)
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Offline RebekahDSC

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Re: Starting EASY from the beginning... What does it LOOK like day to day?
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2013, 19:36:36 pm »
Yep! Thanks, Noa!