If you see that she's particularly cranky in the morning or she wakes up earlier, it may be worth trying for 2 naps that day. Remember that its not uncommon for bubs to have a longer day during the transition period so even if her bedtime is pushed to 8 pm, in my opinion that is fine until she's used to being on just 1 nap.
For me, being flexible was important - if my LO wasn't falling asleep in the morning, I would make that a 1 nap day and offer an earlier bedtime. If she looked like she needed a nap, I used to shorten in to make sure she would take her afternoon nap. Some days we only ended up with 2 short naps but that comes with the transition too I believe. If you want to protect her bedtime, then maybe try an even shorter catnap but again, I never did that with my LO.
Maybe rather than giving her a morning nap at 11; you could do 10.30 so it would be something like this:
6.30 - wake
10.30-12 - morning nap
3.30-4 - afternoon nap
7.30 - bed
Of course her night wakings could be from just teething rather than the routine she's on