Our 1st nap of the day seems to determine what kind of
day we will have.
I've realised that a 45min nap leads to super OTness,
rubbish feeds,screaming|&wailing&just general disaster.
I stayed with her for this whole nap to watch.she went
down drowsy with the soother&white noise.i got the
soother out between sucks&she slept well for45mins.that
was20mins ago.she hasnt cried&is almost falling back to
sleep,but repeatedly pops open her eyes,just as i think
she has nodded off! ::)i just cant seem to be able to get
her back to a deep sleep.
im offering the soother&have my hand on her tummy.
Any other tips?
The repercussions of the 45min nap are just a
nightmare to cope with for everyone.