Author Topic: EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?  (Read 1469 times)

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Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?
« on: November 26, 2013, 15:08:38 pm »
My 8.5 month old seems constantly on the brink of EWs and long NWs these last few weeks.  I can normally fix them by increasing his A time (in particular the last A of the day), but he was sick a couple of days ago and seems very tired about 1 - 1.5 hours after he wakes in the morning, so I'm not sure if it's OT causing it this time, or UT since I've reduced his A's in response to him being ill.  Anyway....  I have a thread about all that over on the Naps board, but weaver suggested I post over here for suggestions on how to resettle him when he EWs.  This is what I generally do:

If he wakes before 5ish, I'll generally give meds first.  He doesn't have any teeth actually coming through at the moment, and the meds never shorten the NWs but this week I think his molars might be moving around cos he's biting his finger right at the back of his mouth.  Anyway, like I say, that never has any impact anyway!  I'll then sing to him, or talk (I recite the book Peepo in between telling him it's bedtime).  I only pick up if he's very worked up, and only for a minute.  He generally alternates crying and just lying there, doing nothing much.  Eventually he starts trying to go back to sleep but only after about 1.5 hours normally.  He's often up for 2 hours, and if this takes us to close to 5, he'll then only sleep another 40 minutes and then be up for the day.

I used to feed when he woke as well but then realised that neither feeding nor meds settle him - he'd still be awake for 1.5 hours after that, so now I only feed if he wakes after 5ish.  If he's been up for an hour or so by 5, I feed then as well.

Like I say, these normally come after a couple of days of reduced A times, and go away again when I increase them again.  He's on quite high A's for his age and too much day sleep, or sleep too close to bedtime affects his nights.  He probably nws or EWs about 1-2 times a week and sleeps 11 hours straight the other times.  Occasionally he'll wake between 1.30 and 5 and will cry for a few minutes and then settle himself.

Anyway, does anyone have any tips for resettling either the NWs or the EWs when they happen?  The EW's in particular at the moment are tricky cos I feed, then try to resettle, but not for long cos he's really screaming the house down at the moment and I don't want everyone up at 5!  But then 1.5 hrs or so later he's yawning and rubbing his eyes again - the same amount of time as he takes to settle for a NW.  By this time he's already up and out of bed though.

Any thoughts / tips on resettling EWs or NWs?

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Re: EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 22:43:24 pm »
Hi there,

Do you think maybe all that stretching A's is causing the NW's?

With regards to resettling, DH has a better chance of resettling than me these days... is your DH willing to help? Mine is still BF so I think she expects more than just resettling out of me, if you know what I mean. I would try and resettle without picking him up as much as possible... sit next to him and say your sleepy phase, pat the mattress and only pick him up if he's really upset.

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Offline Skadiver13

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Re: EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 22:44:20 pm »
he EW's in particular at the moment are tricky cos I feed, then try to resettle, but not for long cos he's really screaming the house down at the moment and I don't want everyone up at 5!  But then 1.5 hrs or so later he's yawning and rubbing his eyes again - the same amount of time as he takes to settle for a NW.  By this time he's already up and out of bed though.

Hi Hun I'm hoping someone else with better luck can offer some help. I coudl and can't resettle EW's if he's awake he's up. If he's EW thing only thing I can suggest is doing what has worked before which is going back to the longer A times. Mine is LSN High A times kind of kid too.  The only thing I can think of is he actually hungry? I know you mentioned that he eats but does he eat a lot? If he's not hungry I would stop using that all together to resettle. 

I know it's not much help I'm sorry but I'll ask for some other mods to pop on.

Posted same time as Layla.
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Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2013, 05:23:18 am »
Thanks both.  I suspect it is A time related somewhere cos the NWs only start when I go back to old A times,  or reduce them.  We're right at that awkward bit with the 2-1 where 2 naps causes EWs but we can't do one nap all the time.  But now he's either treating the resettle from EW as a nap, or he's OT cos we seem stuck with them this week.

I don't think hunger is causing him to wake,  but by the time we're an hour in to resettling it's generally been 10/11 hours since his bedtime bottle so he does have a full feed,  but it doesn't settle him.  We're resettling him now (DH is helping), so I'm going to give him the usual 1.5 hours to get back to sleep and will consider bottles and other options after that cos he'll have been nearly 12 hours since his bedtime bottle then.

ETA: He did resettle without a feed at the usual time so I don't think hunger does have anything to do with it....
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 06:45:47 am by LovelyLilyandJack »

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2013, 16:24:50 pm »
Hi hun just checking in to see how things are going.
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
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Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2013, 17:56:03 pm »
Yeah, ok I think.  I've figured out that resettling means he treats the 40-45 minutes sleep he has afterwards as a nap,  which then causes an EW the next day.  So if he wakes after 5 I don't resettle now.  But if he's up before that I do cos I can't start the day at 4 ::) He still takes 1.5 hours to resettle when I do,  though I don't pick up or feed any more.

He did do 11 hours last night though when I went back to a longer last A time,  but yesterday wasn't a day I could do routinely so tinkerbell is helping me move all his naps earlier in the day. So getting there, thanks for asking :)

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2013, 23:44:29 pm »
I've figured out that resettling means he treats the 40-45 minutes sleep he has afterwards as a nap,  which then causes an EW the next day.  So if he wakes after 5 I don't resettle now.

I think that just means you needed to move his nap later in the day to combat that EW? I wouldn't get him up at 5 unless you want that to be is normal wake time because after a bit he's going to make that part of his routine and you'll be stuck in an early bt early rise type of cycle which is hard to get out of. I would just try and resettle for now how ever you can at the 5am wake up.  Many moms here will pick a time that is reasonable. For us it was 5:45 but most pick 6 or 6:30 that they will not get their LO's up beofre that time as long as it's been less than a 10.5/11hr night. So for instance if you put your lo to bed at 7 and she wakes at 5 that's considered an EW so I would try and resettle till 6 and then leave the room and come back in throwing the lights on saying in a loud voice good morning and make a big deal out of the fact it's now morning and she can actually get up. Regardless if you were able to actually get her back to sleep. Does this make sense? If she goes back to sleep at 6am that's ok. Just wake her up at her normal time of say 7 and then go about your routine. That 1hr will just be her added to her night sleep but I wouldn't let her sleep past that routine wake up time for now until you get rid of that EW.

But since you are getting help from tinkerbell on another board I'll leave this up for now until you see it then I'll lock it so you don't get multiple pieces of advice for the same issue that may be conflicting. :)
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
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Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: EWs and long NWs - how best to resettle?
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2013, 06:22:59 am »
That's really helpful,  thank you! Makes total sense, I think I used to do that with my daughter but had completely forgotten!

Thanks :)