I have a 7-week old and would like to start him on EASY. He is bottle-fed breastmilk and eats approximately every 2-3 hours (100mL). He does not sleep through the night. I would like to cluster feed him with feedings at 6, 8 and 10pm, however, he is asleep (probably because he does not want to eat every 2 hours, but wants to eat every 3 hours at that time). Should I wake him up to feed him at those times? How do you initially get baby to eat at those times (or within 30 minutes of those times)? (For example, if baby wakes up at 3am for a feeding, he will likely wake up at 6am (not 7) and the schedule is then thrown off by an hour. I know the schedule does not need to be exact, but wouldn't it affect the cluster feeding times in the evening? Do you try to bring baby back to schedule or go with the flow and essentially demand-feed?
Thanks so much!