My LO is 4.5 months. He currently wakes around 630 and works at getting himself back to sleep. The past several mornings he is in and out of sleep until 7. I have been getting him up at this time but it throws off his day because I'm not sure when to start his wake time - I.e. at 630 when he first stirred or at 7 when I got him up. I too am in and out of sleep during this time so I don't know how much sleep he gets in that time - may be five minutes or it may be 20 (although I'm leaning more towards the five minutes). He is not fussy during this time but if I get him up at 630 he is miserable and unable to stay awake. Today when I got him up at 7 he was falling asleep while eating and it was a struggle to keep him awake until nap time at 8:40
Other info you may need to know - we are new to EASY. Naps are a mess but I'm working on it by sitting beside his crib and httj. At night he wakes around 2 and I feed him - this works best for our family and living situation at this time. He has been eating on a four hour schedule since 3.5 months (following his cues) and we introduced a tiny bit of barley cereal after morning feed starting is week.