Hi again. Was just perusing other posts and see that solids at dinner time could also be a cause of NW's? My little man is very very hungry. Took to solids like a duck to water. For dinner, I just give him a few bites of puree usually and give him lots of finger foods to practice feeding himself. But I do give him more puree if he reaches out for it. Should I consider stopping the puree or maybe not even giving him the finger foods?
He did 3 1/2 hours of day sleep today, way more than normal, so I'm curious to see how that effects tonight...
We're off this weekend for a little holiday so he'll be doing a lot of pram sleeping. Fingers crossed he doesn't keep us up all night!
Oh, and have been thinking that what I'll do is delay his 2nd feed till 4 1/2 hours, even if he wakes from his morning nap before then. So it would go EASAE(bf)AE(solids)AS. And roughly E at 6:30, 11:00, 3:30, 6:15. Does that make sense? I never considered that introducing solids would drastically increase the amount of time we spend at home doing E related things!