Author Topic: 9 months NW 5-8 per night desperate for sleep  (Read 1344 times)

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Offline oxfordmum

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9 months NW 5-8 per night desperate for sleep
« on: November 29, 2013, 14:08:18 pm »
Hello again, I have posted on this board a couple of times with questions. Unfortunately the sleep of my very spirited 9 months old seems to deteriorate further and further. Now we are up almost every 1.5 h each night all night long.
Here is her EASY.
Wake up at 8 And BF
A time until 11.00 or 11.30 during A time I offer her solid breakfast cereal and fruit but generally not interested
i offer her BF before her nap which she usually takes
S from 11-12 or 11.30 to 12.30 never longer than 1 hour sometime only 45 min which I try to extend
E BF after waking up
A time until 4 pm solids at about 3 pm ( pasta, vegetables, fruit) which she generally eats
I offer her BF before nap
S from4-5 pm again usually 1 hour sometimes only 45 min
E BF after waking up
A 5-8 pm including solids at 6 pm ( does not eat much )
E BF at 7.30 pm

Bedtime 8-8.30 music, pacifier, and I rock her for a bit but put her in cot awake. For the last 3 days falling asleep has been a struggle for naps and BT. Screaming for 30 min with me doing some form of PU/PD
But she seems to get really wound up.

After about an 1.15 min the first Nw usually she sits in the cot and cries so I gently lie her down. This one is 22.30 she usually wakes again and I feed her. After this she continues to wake up every 1.5 hours. I do PU/pD but I hold her until she is calm anything else seems to excite her too much. She can replug dummy but when she wakes up sometimes she still has the dummy in her mouth.
At about 1 am or 3 am when she wakes and I am too tired I take her to bed with me but the NWs continue and she does not settle with BF. she cries and cries and throws herself backwards or to the side like she can't find a position that is comfortable enough. I hVe tried to keep her in the cot until 5 am but she woke up every hour and I got no sleep whatsoever. I don't think she is teething and when I feed her at night she does not really take a full feed just a few sips. I tried weaning the dummy but no success and after 4 days she had it back ( she was waking up frequently and when we coslept kept sucking at my breast the whole night). Now that not even cosleeping is working anymore ( I did get 5 solid hours with that 2 weeks ago which was amazing after 9 months) I am at loss of what to do. I don't know if She is UT or OT at BT. She cannot self sooth but the PU/PD does not seem to work well so I am trying the gradual withdrawal of my help, and there is an improvement that she falls asleep in the cot and not in my arms I am generally stroking her she is trying to arch for my hands but I am trying removing my hands before she falls asleep.

 In terms of milestones she is standing and crawling and trying to walk, but can only do this supported. I feed her before naps as I was worried that she was waking up early because of hunger but that does not seem to be the case. In e past I could BF her and she would go back to sleep but that only works for 10 min now and she wakes up crying again.
I don't know if I feed her too often in the day and she has developed into a snacker....
Anyway as you can see not much seems to be working.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated as I am really struggling with the lack of sleep. Thank you!

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: 9 months NW 5-8 per night desperate for sleep
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 16:23:37 pm »
Hi Hun, it sounds like a mix of an UT/OT loop. Usually (and this isn't always the case) anything over 45min but under 1.5hrs for a nap is UT especially if they wont resettle. Then because it wasn't a restorative nap and you did a full A or even longer the second time she short naps and is overtired by bedtime causing the OT wake up in the beginning of the night. It am not positive but this is certainly a possibility. I would think about possible extending that first nap out 5-10min every other day until you start seeing a good nap. (I did 15min at a time with mine because he was textbook and could handle that type of jump, some can't). The average A time for a 9month old is 3.5hrs and your first A is only 3 causing most likely that UT nap.  Then by BT she's OT so she's wound up.

Secondly she could be going through some SA at this age. Take a look at this link here Separation Anxiety

Lastly do you think dinner could be causing her gastro issues at night? Since she's not eating much I may just cut out dinner for now as she really doesn't need it anyway at this age and see if she'll take more feed at BT from you and then maybe it will help if she's in discomfort. As for BF back to sleep that is in deed a prop and if you are using it to get her back to sleep then she'll just start expecting it if that makes sense.

My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
Reflux, MSPI, Love my Spirited,textbook little munchkin DS Born 5/17/2012


Offline oxfordmum

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Re: 9 months NW 5-8 per night desperate for sleep
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2013, 21:33:42 pm »
Hi Siobhan,
 The UT OT sequence did not occur to me but it does make sense, thank you for that suggestion.  I am finding it a bit hard though getting two long naps with 3.5 h activity time and still make a reasonable bedtime. I did try extend her activity time on the morning but the afternoon nap was sometimes pushed too far back. Is a longer nap in the afternoon better than morning and when is the latest that I should wake her up from the afternoon nap, if it is a long one? Today she slept until 5.15 pm and BT was at 8.45 pm.
Thanks again, I will try to stick to 3.5 hours A time each time.
BTW she has major SA and basically climbs up at my legs whenever she can. I try to spend a lot of time during the days carrying and cuddling her, but now she does not even want to be with her Dad at all which is a bit sad for him. I hope she can relax soon and understand that I am coming back ( even if it is just another room). Thank you again!

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: 9 months NW 5-8 per night desperate for sleep
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 23:39:19 pm »
Hi Hun, did you check out the links for typical routines for this age. Scroll towrds the bottom and you'll see some moms who had to shorten the second nap to an hour to keep the A time shorter to bed.  chronological EASY samples, 7-9 months
Many times you can do a longer A in the morning and shorter A in the afternoon or vice averse. It depends on what works for your lo. You want to try and stick with a 13Hr day no longer when on two naps. But the BT is up to you. I know most routines here go 7-7/8 mine LO is an early riser no matter what time you put him to bed so he's a 7pm-6am kind of kid.

As for the SA I hear you we are going through a bit here at 18 months. They keep us on our toes don't they.
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
Reflux, MSPI, Love my Spirited,textbook little munchkin DS Born 5/17/2012


Offline oxfordmum

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Re: 9 months NW 5-8 per night desperate for sleep
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2013, 17:11:36 pm »
HI Siobhan,
many thanks for the EASY routines, this is great thanks. We had some improvement over the last 2 days, down to only 3 NW :)I hope it will stay like that.
Best regards,

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: 9 months NW 5-8 per night desperate for sleep
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2013, 00:26:06 am »
Great. :)
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
Reflux, MSPI, Love my Spirited,textbook little munchkin DS Born 5/17/2012
