Back again. DS2 is spirited and used to nap like crap. Now we get 2 decent naps of exactly 1 hr 15 min. YA for me. This is so much better than the 30 min naps from before. He can stay up 3.15 min in the day, and 3.30min before bed. He goes to bet easy enough. On a good night he will go 5-7 hrs before feeding, BUT that is with a lot of resettling effort as his NW are something like this:7, 9.30, 11, 12, 3.30, 5, 6

I usually feed between 10.30-12.30 and sometimes again around 3-5.30. Sometimes he can go through with just one NF, but that is exhausting for me, as I am constantly trying to resettle. He takes a soother, but spits it out once asleep. Can someone see if they can spot why the night wakings?? Is it developmental? My DS1 was almost sleeping through the night at this point. What gives? Should I be always resettling and not offering 2 NF? Do other 8 mths old still have 2 NF?

6.30: WU and BF; solids 1 hr later
9.45: nap
11: BF and solids 1 hr later
2.15: nap
3.30: BF; solids 1 hr later
6.30: BF
7: asleep
We can stick to this pretty well give or take a few minutes. Sometimes bedtime is a little earlier if he had a crap nap.
Any advice??