Hi Ladies.
So due to my low milk supply my baby has been labelled failure to thrive. I've been doing everything I can to stimulate my supply- nursing on demand, taking domperidone, cluster feeding, etc. and yet at almost 3 weeks he still isn't up to birth weight. He doesn't have a tongue tie, and his latch is perfect- kiddo just isn't getting the volume he needs. I've been told we need to supplement or else he's going to be hospitalized despite the fact that he's feisty, peeing regular amounts, and sleeping well.
So now we're on a regimen of sleep two hours, breastfeed, bottle supplement, and pump 20 minutes. This sucks. Really hard. I so wanted to EBF my son! I've got a meeting with a lactation consultant to make a game plan to try and get him back to exclusively on the boob. I'm also thinking of using a supplemental feeder so I can still have him suckling at the breast.
Anyone else in this boat?