Author Topic: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.  (Read 2970 times)

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Offline Navan

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FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« on: December 03, 2013, 14:02:35 pm »
Hi Ladies.

So due to my low milk supply my baby has been labelled failure to thrive. I've been doing everything I can to stimulate my supply- nursing on demand, taking domperidone, cluster feeding, etc. and yet at almost 3 weeks he still isn't up to birth weight. He doesn't have a tongue tie, and his latch is perfect- kiddo just isn't getting the volume he needs. I've been told we need to supplement or else he's going to be hospitalized despite the fact that he's feisty, peeing regular amounts, and sleeping well.

So now we're on a regimen of sleep two hours, breastfeed, bottle supplement, and pump 20 minutes. This sucks. Really hard. I so wanted to EBF my son! I've got a meeting with a lactation consultant to make a game plan to try and get him back to exclusively on the boob. I'm also thinking of using a supplemental feeder so I can still have him suckling at the breast.

Anyone else in this boat?

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2013, 14:31:07 pm »
Hi Navan, I'm not in your situation but just wanted to offer some hugs and support.  It sounds like you are doing a fantastic job for your LO and I hope together you and the LC can come up with a plan that you're happy with for moving forwards x

Offline cuckoochick

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 14:44:43 pm »
Also here with hugs and support. You are doing a great job. I really hope you get some advice to make the difference xxx


Offline Navan

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2013, 15:59:45 pm »
Proof that I'm feeling a bit fragile atm- I just burst into tears. Thank you for that. Nobody's told me I'm doing a good job, just that I'm "trying my best"- which to my hormonal postpartum ears sounds like "but your best isn't good enough."

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2013, 16:05:06 pm »
Oh honey (((hugs))) You are doing an amazing job!!!

Here to add support and hold your hand. This is the hardest job in the world. Reading your words takes me right back to when my DD was little and BF wasn't going well. I was so desparate to be the best mum I could be for her. I honestly believed that the only way to be the best mum was to BF. It didn't work for us and I did switch to bottle feeding (with expressing for another two months and then onto formula). It took me quite a while to come to terms with this and the accompanying feelings of failure. But now with my beautiful and healthy 2 year old I believe it was the right choice for the two of us at the time.

However things work out you will be doing a fantastic job and ARE the best mum for your LO. Sending vibes and hugs of support to you xxxxxx
~ Naomi ~

Offline Navan

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2013, 19:08:26 pm »
Thank you. I'm trying to focus on the big picture of it not mattering how he gets most of his nutrition as long as he grows up. It's only a year. Right? This too shall pass.

I spent so much energy and time planning his birth and it went exactly how I wanted it to- minus the hep lock for GBS. I did everything right- I went to breastfeeding class and I started Fenugreek the moment I saw an issue and I've been eating lactation cookies like they're going out of style. I'm taking 4 domperidone a day. But it's just not getting better. Today he was swallowing like crazy on my right side for 40 mins, drank my left which is much lower supply dry, and then took .5oz of expressed milk and still drank 1.5 Oz of formula. I don't know how people ever make enough!!

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2013, 22:18:12 pm »
Who has labelled your LO FTT? Are you confident of their expertise?  I'm not saying you should doubt their opinion necessarily, just that some drs or HVs can be a little over zealous sometimes if baby isn't gaining by the book. If a baby loses a significant amount of weight, is sick or premature, it may take up to 3 weeks to get back to birth weight. The mother having fluids by IV during labour can also artificially inflate the birth weight and make it look like LO isn't gaining as they should.

Do you know his birth weight, how much weight he lost in the first week and what he weighs after 3wks?

Most BF LOs will take an ounce or two after a full BF simply because it is so easy to take. It doesn't necessarily mean LO isn't getting enough from the breast.

Are you feeding him 8-12 times in 24hrs? That is what the LLL recommend to establish supply in the early months.

Hugs. You should be extremely proud of all that your are doing to give your LO the best.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline Navan

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2013, 04:06:55 am »
My ped said it.

He was 6.9 at birth, was 6.3 at discharge and was 6.2 the day after discharge. He didn't gain or lose in a week. Then I started the dom and he went up to 6.4 in two days, and then he stayed there for a week. So it upped my supply enough for him to gain and maintain 2oz but that's it. After supplementing for a day he went up an ounce.

I had a totally unmedicated birth- I got to the hospital 10cm dilated and ready to push- there was nothing in my system to artificially inflate his weight. He'll be 3 weeks Thursday and he he was at the 6.4 mark on Monday (yesterday).

When I was feeding him EBF I was feeding him whenever he wanted- up to 18 times a day.

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2013, 04:24:20 am »
I don't have much to offer but loads of hugs momma - you are doing a great job.  No question.

I would seek another opinion for sure.. if you are unhappy with supplementing.. not sure where you are, but Canada has a FANTASTIC doc who is very well known to help with all things BFing!  If only I had known about him in my early days - things may have ended differently..   you can absolutely call him and he will talk to you over the phone.. his webpage has loads of info as well.

ETA link for loads of information from his webpage - click the links for a wealth of knowledge:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 04:27:26 am by *Kara* »

Offline nwmm

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2013, 04:50:49 am »
You are doing a great job!!!!

I had trouble but it was many moons ago. I bf dd1 for one year. Later, DH commented that he wondered if dd was getting enough from me.  She was always eating and hungry and cried a lot.   I saw lactation consultants. Took my feenegeek.

Dd2 came along at 27 weeks. I bf.  pumped every two hours. I had to stop because I was bleeding. Had two surgeries to correct it. I was upset. I wanted to be fair. If one bf then the other needed to. I couldn't continue though. I just couldn't. It was a hard choice, but the best one for our whole family. I got healthier. Dd grew strong. I didnt look back.

Whatever happens, you are doing a wonderful job!!!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 08:20:22 am by nwmm »

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2013, 08:10:47 am »
Sounds like you are doing all you can. Even if you can't EBF, any BM you are able to give alongside the formula still has all the great stuff in there :)

Good luck with the LC. I hope she can advise you on the SNS as they can really help with getting LO to continue with the BFing and not develop a bottle preference. Plus they obviously stimulate you to make more milk as she feeds.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2013, 19:59:54 pm »
I know it sounds like a weird question, but have you had anything in the way of discomfort or unusually heavy bleeding/clotting since delivery?  Just thinking that sometime something like small amounts of retained placenta can cause issues with milk supply.

It's probably off the wall, but it sounds like you're doing everything you can otherwise, unless there is some sort of oral abnormality (like a posterior TT which usually causes pain, to be fair) which is affecting milk transfer that the doctor has missed along the way.  How did they check for a TT?
*** Amanda ***

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2013, 10:39:51 am »
Hi Navan, you are doing great. I had a similar issue with DS1 and currently with DS2. Turns out my DS1 had a tongue tie (discovered and snipped at 3 weeks) but also a lip tie (discovered at 4 years old). Tt's can be hard to diagnose, so make sure the dr has experience with them. 3 weeks old seems rather young to be labeled ftt, but if you can find the issue you should be able to still ebf at this age. DS2 had a uti which was why he didn't put on weight initially, so maybe ask if they can check for that.

Other tips are to hire a hospital grade pump if you are going to pump long term, eat heaps of protein and get as much breast feeding support as you can.

Hope your lo starts to gain weight!

Offline cuckoochick

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2013, 14:19:45 pm »
Wondering how you are getting on hun. Hugs x


Offline lauradj

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Re: FTT- told we need to supplement and I feel crushed.
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2013, 04:23:42 am »
Hi Navan,

  Is there a breast milk bank where you live?  We have one here in Vancouver, BC and you might be able to use that milk?  I don't know the criteria in detail (I'm a donor) but I know you have to have a referral.  At least that way you could ensure your little pumpkin is getting breast milk.  You must be so frustrated and I really do believe that you are doing your best.  You're seeking out every possible solution to ensure your baby is healthy and happy and nourished.  You're being an amazing mom!