My LO turned 6 months last Friday and that same night she started waking up at nigh, very weird because she has slept through the night since very young. I've tried resettling with no success, until I feed her. She drank full 6oz, very weird too cuz the must she ever drinks is 5-5.5oz during the day. And this has happened for the last few nights. So, I've concluded that she is waking up out of hunger, but I can't get her to drink any more during the day. Specially, the morning feed, now she doesn't want to drink anything, she must be full from the NF. She feeds very 4 hours: 7am, 11:00am, 3:00pm, 7:00pm, and DF at 10:30. She is also chronic short napper (45 min-1 hour ) but lately has been taking 1 long nap (1-1.5hour). Any advise?

Please. I'm desperate. Thanks a lot,