Author Topic: 8 month old multiple nw  (Read 1228 times)

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Offline lyssie28

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8 month old multiple nw
« on: December 06, 2013, 12:56:26 pm »
Hi, back again with the same problem.  I just can't seem to help my lo sleep through  :(  She is just over 8 months old now and can self settle but has been waking every 2 hrs through the night from midnight on and then wants to be up at 5am.  I'm totally exhausted and I don't know what to do anymore.

Her routine is:

I get her up at 6am although normally awake before then.

E 7.30
S 8.30 - 10.00

S12.45 - 2.15


BT 6.30

I know there is 4 hrs after her last nap and I'm trying to make it later but when I have made it a bit later she will take ages to go down and then only has half an hour.

She will then wake around 9-10 pm and has a bottle, we are phasing her df out slowly, and then she wakes 12am, 2am, 4am etc.  I have tried giving her a bottle.  She drinks it all but still cries,  I've tried water and she won't even take that she just throws the bottle away.  I've checked room temp not too hot or too cold, no noises,  she doesn't appear to be teething atm but sometimes I try nurofen just incase and doesn't do anything.  I just don't get it.  At her bedtime she will cry a little but normally only takes her about 10 minutes to go to sleep.  She still has paci but can reinsert herself and a lot of the time when she wakes in the night crying she still has it in her mouth anyway.

Offline lncAnnison24

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Re: 8 month old multiple nw
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 19:53:42 pm »
I don't have any advice for you-- just wanted you to know I know how you feel. My LO will be 8monhts tomorrow and she's cut four teeth in the past two months, learned to crawl, pull up, and stand on her own...and has also been waking up multiple times a night.. I've tried weaning one of the feedings, tried water (she doesn't want that), giving bottle before bed (she'll down it.. and will usually down any bottles given during thenight), once fed hard to get back to sleep, and sometimes wll spend and hour or so patting to get to go back to sleep...

{hugs} to you.... it is exhausting.

Offline Layla

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Re: 8 month old multiple nw
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 22:53:24 pm »
I think her last A is quiet long actually - I tried to stretch J's A to 3.5hrs and we got into some trouble so I cut it back to 3.15hrs for now.

I would probably do an earlier bedtime to start with and then try pushing her morning nap until its at 9am so that her day starts to shift. You could probably push her afternoon A to 3-3.15hs too, which will help you keep your bedtime closer to 6.30pm without her getting overtired.

If this has only started happening recently (the frequent night wakings), it may also be down to teething.

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline lyssie28

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Re: 8 month old multiple nw
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2013, 09:52:30 am »
Its been going on for at least a month now.  I'll see if I can shift her day forward and make her last nap 1.30 to 3.  This morning she woke at 7.30 and didn't actually have such a bad night only up twice and both time took a bottle.  We didn't give her the df at all and just let her wake on her own for it and she woke about midnight so maybe I'll just keep doing that.  However, that last couple of days her naps have been only an hour long and both days for some reason she woke at 1.15 and wouldn't go back to sleep. 

Offline Layla

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Re: 8 month old multiple nw
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2013, 23:01:56 pm »
How are you going?

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline lyssie28

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Re: 8 month old multiple nw
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2013, 20:00:06 pm »
Sorry for the delay in replying!

She carried on doing it until about 2 nights ago.  We had started just feeding her when she woke for her df so sometimes it was 10pm sometimes midnight but this time we shushed her and gave her her paci and she went back over so no bottle at all.  She has gone down to one nw at around 3.30 which i give her a bottle and then sleeps until around 7am. :-)

Offline Layla

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Re: 8 month old multiple nw
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2013, 02:52:18 am »
That's great! Some babies will hold onto a night feed a little longer than others; if she's taking it all in and going back to sleep after a feed, I would probably continue feeding her and once solids are well established, you could look at weaning that feed.

20/06/2012 - my angel baby