Author Topic: 8 mo old & multiple NW- what gives?  (Read 1224 times)

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Offline ashkenras

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8 mo old & multiple NW- what gives?
« on: December 08, 2013, 18:36:10 pm »
Hey all,

Needing to troubleshoot DS's NWs and would like some other thoughts.  He's 8mos old, fairly Textbook, and has had trouble sleeping through the night for a few months now.  The NWs have been at random times, usually 1-2 per night, lasting anywhere from 20min to 2 hrs.  He rolls all over his crib, sits up, and recently started giving short screams, kicking, and flailing his arms as though he is just super frustrated.  I've used WI/WO, and he may or may not calm down enough to go back to sleep.  Some nights I do a NF, and he may or may not go back to sleep after that.  Sometimes if I pick him up for a diaper change (or if he's really tired when we are heading for sleep) he'll arch in my arms and cry.

Also, I recently upped his solids and BF both sides, thinking that he just isn't getting enough during the day.  It helped for one night, then we were back to the same problem.

Here's our routine
7:00 WU and solids (so DH can take some mornings since I don't have a good pump)
8:30 BF
   A time: 2.25 hrs
9:15 Nap (1.5hrs)
11:15 BF
1:00 Solids
   A time: 2.75 hrs
2:00 Nap (1.5 hrs)
3:30 BF
5:00 Solids
6:15 Bath
6:45 BF
  A time: 3.5 hrs
7:00 Bed

Wind-down is always a diaper change, song or book, quiet snuggles, then down.  He sleeps with a lovey and has always gone to sleep on his own.  I only recently got his naps from 40min to 1.5hrs with w2s, but I feel like the NWs have been consistently problematic whether he naps well or not.

Any thoughts on what to do?  DH and I feel like it's most likely separation anxiety, but DS doesn't settle easy even when we are comforting him.  I don't mind feeding him, but that feels like AP and just an easy way out for me.  I would love any thoughts you can share!

Thanks a ton!

Bennett Rasmussen: born April 5, 2013

Offline ashkenras

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Re: 8 mo old & multiple NW- what gives?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2013, 18:49:24 pm »
I should clarify: when he is awake for 2hrs, he isn't crying the whole time.  He will start to settle, but only for a minute or two.
Bennett Rasmussen: born April 5, 2013

Offline Layla

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Re: 8 mo old & multiple NW- what gives?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2013, 03:34:12 am »
Could he be teething maybe? My dd3 recently cut her bottom 2 teeth and omg, we had the most horrible night wakings.

Routine wise, you could try adding a little more A before his morning and afternoon nap so that the last A before bedtime isn't as long, which could be another reason he's waking up at night (from being overtired)?

If he's learned something new (like rolling over), his sleep is going to be disturbed for a little bit too. Give him lots of opportunity to practice this skill during his A time.

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Offline ashkenras

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Re: 8 mo old & multiple NW- what gives?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2013, 16:24:41 pm »
Thanks for the reply. :)

I'll try extending his A times.  The NWs have been going on so long (almost 3 months), I've almost ruled out teething and/or developmental strides.  He's already got 7 teeth  :o

Last night was the third night in a row that I felt like nursing was the only thing that could calm him down.  No amount of shh/pat or comfort from me would help.  Patting the mattress instead of his back helped for a few minutes, but it wasn't enough to help him go back to sleep.  He started to calm when I changed his diaper, then fell apart again when I laid him back down.  Ugh.

We'll see how the next few days go.
Bennett Rasmussen: born April 5, 2013

Offline AMJ

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Re: 8 mo old & multiple NW- what gives?
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2013, 12:49:25 pm »
Hi there, I'm sorry i am not even near to be an expert but it maybe just like Layla said: the last A is too long compared the the 1st and 2nd A and he might be OT at the end of the day. HTH  :)

Offline ashkenras

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Re: 8 mo old & multiple NW- what gives?
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2013, 16:14:26 pm »

Yesterday's naps were horrible, so DS had a catnap in the evening then went to bed fairly quickly afterward, just to be sure he wasn't OT.  The result?  A solid 12 hours of sleep!  NO  WAKINGS!  So glad I asked for advice!  I love how refreshed I feel when he sleeps through the night.

Here's to adjusting his routine and achieving nights full of sleep.  :)
Bennett Rasmussen: born April 5, 2013