Hi everyone, really grateful for some eyes and advice please
DD2 has been in a pretty solid routine in the day for quite a while now; her usual EAS looks like this:
Wake + bf: 6.30
E (solids): 7.30
S: 9.30
E (bf): 11.30
E (solids): 12.30
S: 2.30
E (bf): 4
E (solids): 5.30
A (bath, book, bf)
S: 7-7.30
(On good nights, one feed in the night between 3 and 4.30).
Over the last few weeks she has started multiple random NWs (eg 11.45, 1, 2) and EW at 5

Sometimes she'll go back to sleep with some boob, other times pain meds, other times nothing seems to work and I'm up for hours trying to settle her. I have to go back to work in the new year and I'm freaking out about how to survive on so little sleep.
Some additional info:
She pretty well always self settles (sometimes at BT if she's really tired she falls asleep on the boob).
She has reflux, not on meds, but pretty well controlled by my diet (I'm dairy, soy, wheat, egg and fish free).
We're trialling one new solid food every 7 days, currently potato and no reaction as yet.
She is trying to master the cross pattern crawl and currently commando crawls around everywhere.
She doesn't have any teeth yet, but is drooling and pulling at her ears and chewing on everything.
Pretty exhausted. Is this baby EVER going to sleep in the night? She slept through from 7 - 7 once and I nearly died of shock.