Author Topic: One of my twins multiple night wakings. 7 months old.  (Read 908 times)

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Offline Uglybethy

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One of my twins multiple night wakings. 7 months old.
« on: December 14, 2013, 15:04:21 pm »
Please help us help our child to sleep

How old is your child?
7 months old

What’s his/her daily routine?

E 06.30 bottle of formula takes 4-5 oz; 07.00 solids we are doing blw so either porridge with blueberries or eggs or toast or croissant and some fruit.
A until 09.15 walk the dogs, practice sitting up, rolling around on the floor
S 09.15 wind down for 09.30 nap. Nap until 11.00. If wakes early then we do a longer nap later. Never naps less than an hour though.
E 11.00 5-7 oz formula then lunch by 12.00 sandwiches or meat and veg or yoghurt with fruit
A listen to music, play in play station or bouncer, roll around on floor, practice sitting. Or we go out grocery shopping or to the library or to the park. Is weather dependant.
S 14.00-15.30 or if they had a shorter nap earlier then nap 13.30-15.30
E 15.30 5oz bottle
A 16.00-18.00 walk dogs, dinner, bath, roll around on mums bed a bit, read a couple of books
E 18.30 7-8 oz formula
s 18.30 straight to sleep in crib.
DF 10.30 2oz

What’s nap routine?
Transitioned to two naps a few weeks ago. Was really ready and took to it well. So two naps of 1.5 hours each. One at 09.30 and one at 2pm. If the first nap is shorter then ill put them down earlier for the next nap. If both naps are short we will do an early bed time.

How long are naps?
Total 3-3.5 hours a day. See above.

What's bedtime routine? Time?
18.30 bt. Includes bath, book, bottle and bed. She goes to bed and off to sleep extremely well. She will sometimes take a pacifier and sometimes she won't. She choses. She always goes downin crib awake and gets herself off to sleep with no problems.

Do you bottle or breastfed??
Bottle fed formula now. Breastfed until 4.5 months but always took a bottle as well.

How much? or how long?
It really varies but on average she takes 25 oz split over 4-5 feeds

If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed)n/a

How many wakes per night?
She will stir a couple of times before the dream feed and then again at around 12.30, then 13.30, then 2.30 then not until 5am then seems to go back into a deeper sleep until 6.30.
Sooooo, 6 times a night!

What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up?
She whines and I run in and put her binky backin for her. It takes a matter of seconds. If I offer her milk she will have a couple of gulps then roll back over and go to sleep. Soemtimes I will give her a drink of water rather then formula in case she might be thirsty, but again it's a couple of gulps then back to sleep. I've only started offering something recently out of desperation! Usually just a binky replug.

When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry?
Fussing. Ive never let it escalate to a cry... It's a twin thing I think.. Total fear of waking the other baby up!

What have you tried to settle??
Paci, offer a drink offer formula (both of which she tends to refuse or take so little of I'm sure it's not hunger but i might be wrong?)

What do you do for A time and how long is it?
3 hours
Out for a stroll or practice sitting or rolling around on the floor or listen to music or bounce in bouncer or okay in play station or go shopping

Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones?
Recently started sitting up. Been drooling formmonthsmbut no sign of teeth!

Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months)

Do they have a prop? If so what is it?

Do they have a lovie?
Yes a cuski

My questions
This has only started happening in the past 4 weeks. 4 weeks ago her twin sister weaned herself off the dream feed and started sleeping through 11.5-12.5 hours at night and if waking settling herself. But Beatrice started waking more often for replugs and when we have tried to stop the dream feed she will wake for a night feed at 2 am.she is slowly reducing the dream feed herself though, but continues to wake multiple times at night.
It started around the time of beginning weaning. At which point her formula intake became more snacky because I offer formula with meals as well as on waking.

Perplexed and wondering how I'm influencing these difficult nights for her. Any insight gratefully received!

Offline babybarr

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Re: One of my twins multiple night wakings. 7 months old.
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2013, 20:42:20 pm »
The dummy. I blame the dummy. Esp as she goes back off after you replug

And yes a twin thing ;-)

Offline Uglybethy

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Re: One of my twins multiple night wakings. 7 months old.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2013, 23:08:20 pm »
Thank you Laura!
You are right, of course. I was REALLY hoping it was something else! We have been waiting forever for them to learn to replug themselves. As you know I did a paci wean once before when they were around 3 months old but I couldn't synchronize them for naps so I put them back!!
It's so difficult to know what to do for the best because, as you know, it can be so useful with twins to have something with which you can apop! Otherwise day times can feel so overwhelming.
With her sister it doesn't seem to be a prop and therefore disturb her sleep... Do you think it's a matter of waiting for her sleep capabilities to mature or do you think I need to wean the paci??

Offline babybarr

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Re: One of my twins multiple night wakings. 7 months old.
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2013, 01:37:53 am »
Does feeding her work? Does she then go back to sleep and stay asleep? If so then it's hunger I guess?!