My DS is just now four months old and he is staying awake for 1.5. Having consulted the Average 'A' Times, I can see he ought to be at around 1.75 hrs- 2 hrs, my problem is he doesn't show the typical signs of being ready for extension. I extended his A time to 1.5 hrs at 3 months when I kept getting 45 minute naps in the afternoons and now he naps 2hrs in the morning and then two, 1.5 naps in the afternoon. He's in bed every night at 6:30-6:45 and he sleeps through until 7am (with a dream feed of course).
Should I just start slowly keeping him awake for 1.75 even though he's napping well? I adjust the afternoon sleeps before the morning because he's a bit of a sleepy head in the morning. I loath the idea of messing with his fantastic napping but if he ought to be awake longer, I don't want to hinder his development.
Any suggestions?