My little boy is 6 months and until recently was walking every hour through the night. I decided to go cold turkey with the dummy and follow the step by step instructions in the book to get us back on track with EASY. He isn't waking every hour now (yay) but is still waking every 3 hours like clockwork..... He feeds and goes right back to sleep. He does genuinely seem hungry.... But I could be wrong. He is EBF and we introduced solids a few weeks ago which seems to be doing well. At night he goes down awake and puts himself to sleep very quickly but wakes at 10, 1, and 4. He went to bed half an hour early this evening as he was very tired and just woke at 9.30.
Daytime naps aren't as easy, I have to do PU/PD to get him off, he wakes after 40 mins and I'll do PU/PD to extend.
Our daytime schedule varies due to different activities but we generally try to follow 4 hour EASY. Whatever seems to happen in the day he wakes every 3 hours at night.
I know I should be grateful he isn't waking every hour now (believe me I am) but I was wondering if anyone thought every 3 hours is still too much for a 6 month old??
He has also just started to wake up early for the day at 5:30/6:00am (previously was 7:30/8) I just normally put some soft toys in his cot and he'll quite happily play until 6:30/7)
He sleeps in his own room and is textbook/ Angel.
Anyone have any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.....