Author Topic: 20 or 40 minute nap routine Q  (Read 669 times)

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20 or 40 minute nap routine Q
« on: January 01, 2014, 20:20:15 pm »
I'm just starting my 12 week old on an EASY routine and we are struggling with 20 and 40 minute naps an 4 wakes ups a night. When we have a short nap, how do I maintain a 3 hour stretch between feeds? For example he eats at 11:45am has some A then falls asleep at 1:15 but is up 20 minutes later at 1:35. It's not time to eat yet (should be 2:45) and he is sleepy at 2:30. Not sure how to handle this for now.  Hoping we get on track and he can start sleeping better but it's hard now. I can sometimes shh/pat to sleep for 20 minute naps but not 40.
Thanks everyone!

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Re: 20 or 40 minute nap routine Q
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2014, 12:23:40 pm »
IIWY I would feed short before the next sleep, just make sure you have some A time before sleep or he'll start associating feeding with sleeping. Even a nappy change is enough.

At his age he should be doing around 1:20-1:30h A times so if he is doing longer than that and you are getting short nap it might be that the A time is too much for him. If it's much less than that then perhaps it's time to increase his A times gradually.
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