So Yesterday E only did 1 nap
So WU 7.10am
Nap 12.30-2.40pm (she did wu twice but childminder got her resettled in less than 5 mins both times.
BT 6.40pm She only did 1 stand up and resettle
Then we had a two hour NW. Woke at 1.15am, really crying and standing up, I went in and picked up and calmed her down, after about 10 mins I lay back down in cot, instantly onto knees and up crying.
Repeated PU,calm lie down, for about 45 mins, then she started really sobbing even when I was holding her, went to get some Nurofen which she took in case of teeth. Then she just kept crying, I lay down on top of our bed with her just to calm but she was crying even when lying next to me so I went back into her room. She fell aleep being held by me at 3.20am.
I would have continued with the PU/PD if just whinging but the sobbing really threw me!
Childminder text to ask if she could give teething crystals today so maybe it is teeth to a certain extent but I think this waking is habit now don't you?