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Offline 3littlemen

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After thrush...
« on: January 03, 2014, 10:54:09 am »
Lo is 11wks old today, and just got over (I think) his light dose of oral thrush. He has been very distractable with his feeds of late, and in fact, I'm contemplating f2s as at least then he may eat well. BT feed is always a good one nearly 10m each side and day feeds are more like 5 maybe. Have tried feeding elsewhere, but have two other lo's who need supervision. Generally feeding 3hrly though has been 2h30 on occasion depending on dodgy naps (feeding then short A so not fed to sleep). Effective sometimes is feeding him under a cover but it's 45 degrees C in the day here - not much fun. I don't mind feeding 2h30 with the hot weather but wonder if the distraction is a stage or a hangover from his thrush. He was distracted prior to the thrush too. He doesn't nap great, 30m, but will settle to sleep by himself generally. He has a dummy. He does pretty good at night, bt feed usually 5.3/6, sleep 6/6.30 then df 9.30, nf around 2/3 and up for the day around 5/6. It's been chaotic with holidays here and a lot of ot'd but I'm more concerned about his feeding than I am about his napping. nappies are a good number too, and still clear and no pink crystals so I'm ok he's not dehydrated. I am more wondering why he won't just latch on and eat, instead of mucking around like he does - eyeballing everything.

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Re: After thrush...
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 14:04:07 pm »
Is he maybe just getting more effecient at feeding? DD1 was always a 5 min feeder too. 

Offline Proud Mammy

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Re: After thrush...
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 14:43:32 pm »
My 2 boys are/ were extremely efficient feeders....8 mins generally, but sometimes less.

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Re: After thrush...
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 14:48:20 pm »
Are you sure he is over the thrush?  Did you treat your nipples too?  Sometimes you can pass it back and forth to each other if you don't both get treated.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: After thrush...
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2014, 14:59:43 pm »
Emma was a terribly distracted feeder - totally different to Oscar who became a very efficient feeder at a similar age to your LO.

For her, I fed on waking from naps, would creep in and get to her as she was stirring (the movement sensor I had on my baby monitor really helped here) and I would try to set 2.5 yr old at the time Oscar up with tv/playdoh or a snack for when I was alone with both of even if he was in the same pitch dark (almost) room at the time of her feeding, she'd sense him and be eyeballing him even in the dark (she does love her brother though).

Emma's best feeds were always the DF straight from the breast (I'd even do three or even four breasts if she kept going, just kept swapping LOL as this was the only time she was patient enough to do the hard work) and the night feeds as she was sleepy and I'd get to her in no time at all...

10/11am feed was always the worst - sooooo distracted.

As for why so? Spirited with a big brother at home, always wanting to be ahead of herself, tongue tie (which wasn't clipped till 5 mths) making her very impatient for letdown early on, OAL/OS early on so she didn't REALLY need to work in the first few weeks/month or two and then couldn't have been bothered afterwards.

She actually never got less distracted. I know most LOs go through this period around 4-8 mths, 6 mths being prime time but she was at it a lot earlier (pre 8 weeks) and continued until I weaned her at 18mths....and of course, it was more me weaning MYSELF as she wasn't one bit bothered....

As for thrush - how was it treated? Here they give both mum and baby oral meds as well as topical for baby's mouth and mum's nipples. Feeding through thrush can be very painful so if the distraction has only started with the infection it might be a good idea to go back to the doc and get antifungals for you both xxx

S x

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

Offline 3littlemen

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Re: After thrush...
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 23:12:10 pm »
I actually discovered the thrush when it was a size of a pin head in his mouth, one spot either side just inside his mouth. got him some oral meds and cream for me, and he cleared up (I think) and I'm done too, though still applying cream to nipples after feeds (just in case!)

my other two lo's have been distracted and efficient feeders too, but combined with the heat (and never having had thrush there before) wasn't sure you know?

our df and bt feeds have always been good (though some may be pacifying at bt!) and morning is always the worst (with all three boys)

thanks for your help ladies