Lo is 11wks old today, and just got over (I think) his light dose of oral thrush. He has been very distractable with his feeds of late, and in fact, I'm contemplating f2s as at least then he may eat well. BT feed is always a good one nearly 10m each side and day feeds are more like 5 maybe. Have tried feeding elsewhere, but have two other lo's who need supervision. Generally feeding 3hrly though has been 2h30 on occasion depending on dodgy naps (feeding then short A so not fed to sleep). Effective sometimes is feeding him under a cover but it's 45 degrees C in the day here - not much fun. I don't mind feeding 2h30 with the hot weather but wonder if the distraction is a stage or a hangover from his thrush. He was distracted prior to the thrush too. He doesn't nap great, 30m, but will settle to sleep by himself generally. He has a dummy. He does pretty good at night, bt feed usually 5.3/6, sleep 6/6.30 then df 9.30, nf around 2/3 and up for the day around 5/6. It's been chaotic with holidays here and a lot of ot'd but I'm more concerned about his feeding than I am about his napping. nappies are a good number too, and still clear and no pink crystals so I'm ok he's not dehydrated. I am more wondering why he won't just latch on and eat, instead of mucking around like he does - eyeballing everything.