My BF DD has just reached 4 months. This past week has been really hard with her waking more during the night for feeds. I think she is going through a growth spurt.
I have a couple of questions as to how to tackle this. I understand I need to give her more milk during the day so that she doesn't need so much at night, but how am I supposed to do this? I saw somewhere the idea of doing EAEAS. Has anyone tried this successfully? How long after the first E should I offer the second E? Should I offer both breasts, just one, and which breast should I offer first?
How long do growth spurts last? I'd appreciate any other advice.
FYI our daily schedule is usually like this:
4.30am BF
8.30am BF / Activity
10.15am Sleep
12.00pm BF / Activity
1.45pm Sleep
2.30pm BF / Activity
4.15pm Catnap
5.00pm BF / Activity / Bath
7.00pm BF
7.45pm Bed
10.45pm Dreamfeed