thanks for responding. I'm afraid I didn't post a routine as there isn't really one anymore due to the different times at night that she feeds (any time from 3:15am to 7am)
I think now the 3.15 wakings are growth spurts, but wasn't sure as as it goes on for about 5 days, not 2-3 and has happened three times now, only 1.5- 2 weeks apart- didn't realise they were so frequent, they weren't with my first. I tried 9pm dream feed once but couldn't feed her.
From birth to around 8 weeks feed at 4/4:30am which meant:
7:15am- I woke her before xmas, she now wakes herself. Feed
yawns after 45 mins and if not asleep by 1.5 hours then hard crying (the result of trying to get the other child ready for nursery)
feeds every 2.5- 3.15 hours and i think when well rested A time is 1h 15 judging by the first nap of the day, after that i find her difficult to read. She does not give tired signs.
If she wakes at 5am to feed in the last few weeks, she thrashes around, even after a very big feed and will only sleep on me. If she feeds at 3:15 am, she wakes at 6am and I get her up and she feeds again.
yesterday/today, starting in the evening
E 6:10pm one side of me
A bath
E 7:10pm other side of me
S 7:50pm. She always settles by herself at bed time and the time is getting quicker now 20-30 mins (used to average 1 hour)
E 11pm bottle formula (all other E's are BF)
E 5am, fed one side latched off, started to shut eyes, put in cot, lots of thrashing and cries out, fed other side, tried put in cot with hand on shoulder (sometimes helps). Fed couple sucks to try to sleep (so absolutely huge feed between 5am-6am.)
S 6:20am on me, put down in cot, awake 7:00am
E 7:20am (small)
A 7:25
S 8:25am-10:05 sling (cot didn't work, I put her in for 15 mins but could tell from the look on her face that she was not relaxed) wiggled lots no deep sleep i don't think
E 10:10
A 10:30
S 11:30 in sling, husband told me she woke when my 3 year old screamed, and not good quality after 45 mins, then we gave up.
E 12:30pm
A can't remember the feed time- circa 10 mins
S 1:45pm-3:10 in sling walk into town
E 3:10
A 3:30
S 4:15-4:45 in sling, coffee machine woke her. Now not sure what to do. I will prob fit in another short nap and two feeds
Today has been an odd day with the quality of her sleep not that great. She was rubbing her eyes through the morning feeds but seems to have stopped that now.
She has napped in the cot before. 2 weeks ago, after feeding at 4am, I let her sleep till 7:30am and looked at her and she looked so well rested, she smiled lots, there were no hiccups and looking uncomfortable, so I lay her down in her cot after 50 mins awake and she went to sleep. It was amazing, 2nd nap, same timings, but 30/40 min nap. this lasted for 3 days, and then it was xmas and I had to put her in the car, which is always a disaster and no cot naps since.
It seems if I put her down when she is awake and happy she will sleep for am nap, if I help her by rubbing her back and white noise, she wakes after 30/40 mins or 20 as the day goes on. Most naps are in the sling, she cries hard before going to sleep and then is suddenly asleep if in cot or stationary in sling. i can't get her sleepy before putting her down.
Sorry this is a really long post. Feed amounts and times are so different each day now. Sometimes, although less frequently now she is slightly uncomfortable (acid breath and hiccups) which probably throws things off too.
If waking after 5am, the nightmare time, I could either get her to go back to sleep by sleeping on me or by rubbing her back in the cot which can take a while and involve some crying if I don't keep at it for 20 mins. Both result in 30-40 mins extra sleep.