Hi and welcome to the boards!
However I'm guessing that I should forget trying to keep up a schedule and just count his "A" time from when he wakes up - so if a 5.30am start then nap time would say be about 7.30-8 rather than 9-9.30?? Is that right?
You are guessing right
Easy is not a schedule, but whenever you are tweaking A times it does become one. If you are not going to be consistent with how and when you do things you won't be able to draw any conclusions. For example: a length of a nap can often indicate if baby is OT or UT. Often 30-35min naps indicate baby is OT (so had too much A time before the nap) and 45min-1:20h long naps indicate UT (so not enough A time before the nap). So one can draw a conclusion that 2h A time is not enough for baby and then the next day you'd need to increase it by 10min and stick with for 4 days to see if it's working.
Shortly, you are right, it's not looking what time it is, but counting A times from wake up time.
Do you think he is really hungry after 2h or he uses you as comfort and as a prop? I would doubt a baby that old is hungry every 2h, it's just that he is a bit of a snacker because so far he always got his milk when he wanted it.
You have a few possibilities how to tackle it. One is to go "cold turkey" and then only feed after WU from nap. I wouldn't aim for 4h gaps between feeds, it's basically getting the right A time + a good nap = the EASY cycle. This is not so easy to do for many parents because there is a lot of crying involved. But if you are up for it then no problem.
The other option is to do this gradually, so feeding at WU and then when he asks for a feed 2h later you give it to him but reduce the time of the feed by 1min every 3 days.
Your other option is to keep on feeding him and making sure that he has a bit of A time after the second feed, even like 10min or so, just a nappy change, so he doesn't associate anymore the feeding with the sleeping.
I hope this helps. If you want you can log your days and then post them here. We can have a look at A times and naps and try to help.