Author Topic: How long to settle onto 1 nap  (Read 2453 times)

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Offline K-JDA

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Re: How long to settle onto 1 nap
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2014, 18:11:56 pm »

The last few days are:

WU 5.45 - STTN from 7.20
Nap 12.15-1.55
Bed - 6.55
Nw/ew - 5.15 - gave meds
Resettled via rocking 6.15-7 (in my bed)

WU 7
Nap 12.30-2
Bed 7
NW 4.45 - gave meds
Resettled 6.15-6.45 in my bed

WU 6.45
Nap 1.30-3.30 (nursery said they tried him at 12.30 and he slept for 5 mins!!!)
Am aiming for 7 bed.

Agree don't want to end up in my bed - will give the dream meds and not picking up a try - bit scary though!!!

Offline K-JDA

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Re: How long to settle onto 1 nap
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2014, 10:29:04 am »
Quick update - asleep by 7.10, NW 4.10-4.50. Didn't give DF meds as didn't wake up but gave when DS woke. I just laid on his floor and reassured and then when he laid down/SS I left him to it. He then slept til 6.

I liked this approach so much better as so much less stressful for me.

One question though - if he wakes say after 5 I am pretty sure he will not SS before 6. Should we give up at that point and start the day at 6? What do I do about nap and bedtime after such an early start? To date I have always persevered to get some additional sleep but in this scenario this may not happen.

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Re: How long to settle onto 1 nap
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2014, 13:43:50 pm »
I would do what it takes to get him back to sleep i.e. what you are doing now so meds when he wakes and lying on the floor. If it is teeth it will soon pass. The PITA of him not going back to sleep is a very long was last night?

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Offline K-JDA

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Re: How long to settle onto 1 nap
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2014, 15:13:19 pm »
Last night was better thanks. He slept til 4.30 but managed to SS both then and again at 5.20 til 6.15 without me going in or giving meds. Will continue with meds/being on the floor when needed as this does seem to work so thanks so much for that!

In terms of a long day then I suppose a slightly earlier bed might be in order as he may have an earlier nap but not much else I can do?!

Thanks for your support - will just battle on and hope for some STTN once the canines and 18 month SR are done which will no doubt follow - hahaha!!!!