Need your help again! Can anyone please tell me why my LO's 2nd nap is only 30 minutes?
She has a morning nap of 1h10m and an evening catnap of 30m. She wakes up happy from all naps and is in a great mood for the most part...sometimes can get a little cranky right before bed but I assume it's due to OT. Here is her typical day if anyone can help! Forgot to mention she is 6 months old today.
7:30 Wake and feed
8:30 Solids
10:00 Nap (1h10m)
11:30 Feed
12:30 Solids
1:30 Nap (30m)
3:30 Feed
4:30 Nap (30m)
5:30 Solids
7:00 Feed and bedtime
Sleeps till morning
Her first A time is 2.5 hours and that is maxing it out, she is almost falling asleep on me by the time I bring her to her room. As for the other 2 being shorter, she doesn't last any longer than that, she starts rubbing her eyes,yawning and whining...
Anything I can do to fix the second nap??
Thanks in advance!