Last night my little boy (who will be 6 months in about 10 days) surprised me by dropping his normal MOTN feed - this means he went 8 hours between feeds, which he has not done for months! He normally wakes 2 or 3 times and I feed him back to sleep....
I am now not sure whether I should try and capitalise on this, as he obviously coped very well without feeding in the night and use this as a cue to wean him from one of his feeds if he wakes for it tonight? Or do I just take my lead from him and feed him as normal if he wakes tonight?
I find it VERY hard to actually work out if he is hungry in the night so usually opt for a timed approach (>3.5 hours) but him going 8 hours makes me think I may have just created some feeding habits!
Out if interest, is it best to drop a 10/11pm feed or a 2/3/4am feed first?