This is our typical day...
E: 7:00
A: 7:30-8:20 Wind down at 8:20
S: 8:30-10:15
E: 10:30
A: 11-12
S: roughly 12-1:30
E: 1:30
A: 2-2:45 Wind down 2:45
S: 3-4:30
E 4:30
A 5-5:30 Wind down 5:30
S 5:45-6:30 Catnap
A 6:30 Bath time with Daddy
E 7:00 Dinner feed. We get done at 7:30 at the latest. Last night I put her straight to bed after eating with a quicker wind down than typical. We began wind down at 7:30. She cried at first (for about 7-8 minutes) and then began drifting off with eyes rolling and shutting. Several minutes later, she'd jolt and wake for a bit, then go back to sleep about 10 seconds later. (I assume she doesn't fully wake up during these times.) She did that a few times, but always went back to sleep very quickly. Around 7:50 when I thought we were home free, she jolted and woke again. She began fussing and eventually closed her eyes about 5 minutes later. It took her another 15-20 to get through her REM sleep. That was a good night for us...Usually getting out of REM sleep takes an hour of wind down/holding, until she "deep sleeps" soundly. I wait with her the entire 20 minutes to make sure she's out down for the count and into her deep sleep. So these times include that. Therefore, last night I was trying to get her to sleep from 7:30-8:15. I put her down and left the room at 8:15.
S Somewhere between 7:45-8:30 and will sleep until 1:00
E Night feed around 1 (I tried the dreamfeed for two weeks and she regressed to waking up every 4 hours consistently throughout the night. Therefore I decided to drop the dream feed.)
S Lately its been from 1:30-6 or 7 (Also, it is okay that she is sleeping through two feedings a night at this age? If she does wake between 1:30-7, I feed her, but she honestly hasn't been lately. I went to the doctor 2 days ago and she's right on point with her weight. However, if she needs the calories, then I'm more than happy to feed her between 1:30 and 7.)