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Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Awake for hours in the motn
« on: January 26, 2014, 10:40:48 am »
We've been having horrendous NW for the last three weeks or so. The first couple of times, it was after her vaccinations, but it's continued. Not every night, but about every third or fourth night, she just doesn't settle after her middle of the night feed. I'll feed her (which takes FOREVER - at least 40 minutes) and she's just awake. I think she falls asleep v soon after she starts to feed and then wakes up again. She is feeding twice a night and the first feed is fine.  I had always given her a dream feed around ten, but she started waking up for it, so I just let her wake and I would feed her. About a month ago, we had a week where she would sleep from7.30 till 3 or so and then I would feed her and she'd sleep till 7.  Lovely. Then she had her second vaccinations and for two nights, she woke around 2.30 and was then awake for two hours plus. So I started giving her a dream feed again.  Now she's going to bed at 7.30, having a dream feed at 10.30 and still waking at 2.30 for a feed.  And about every third night, she doesn't settle. She will bob on and off the breast, I'll wind her and her eyes are wide open.  I'd been putting her back in her cot when I thought she'd had enough to eat, and she's awake. She does not cry. I leave her to it. She makes this very loud moaning sound from time to time and about two hours after she first woke, she'll fall back to sleep on her own. I can't go to sleep if I know she's awake, I'm a borderline insomniac anyway, and I'm surviving on about four hours of broken sleep.
So, the details. She's just over four months old, exclusively breast fed. She's doing the typical four month old thing, life is just too exciting to drink milk when there's so much to look at!!! So I feed her as much as I can when she wakes and then I do offer again about an hour later and she'll suck for 3-4 minutes and she's done. She sleeps in her cot in her room for the first two naps and in the baby carrier for the third nap. She's not swaddled anymore and she sleeps on her tummy. She doesn't use a dummy. She can suck her fingers but doesn't manage to do it successfully at night. She falls asleep on her own no problem.  Naps are great. Too good.  I wake her from nearly every nap now. This is how yesterday went ( the night before was a good night, I didn't give her a df as I slept through my alarm, I fed her at 23.20 and 3.30).
Wu 6.50 am, woke herself
E 7.30 am
A - around the house
S 9-10.50 (I woke her)
E 10.50, not very hungry, on and off
A - we went to have haircuts
E 12.30 (still not very hungry)
A a bit longer than she wanted, typical Saturday lunchtime chaos
S 13.20-14.50 (I woke her)
E 14.50
E 16.15
S 17.25-17.55.  Again later than she wanted, her baby Bjorn was in the wash and she's gone off her other carrier (this nap has to be in the carrier really, I have barn chores this time of day and I can't leave her in the house)
A bath, sit in high chair while we had dinner
E 18.45. I start her off downstairs then take her up to her room for the second half. She fell asleep feeding (does this about half the time) and was in her cot by 19.40

I gave her a dream feed at 22.30; she woke screaming for food at 2.20. I fed her..... Some time around 4.30 she fell asleep and she woke at 6.50

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 18:30:00 pm »
Hi Hun, you must be exhausted. I'm an insomniac too so I feel your pain. I can never got back to sleep easily. So around 4 months there is a definete sleep regression. This is one good article about it
There is also a 4 month GS so the 2 feeds is completely normal. Most EBF babies don't drop ether the DF or the NF until much later on.   So, in the short term, I would feed if its once or twice per night but in the longer term, I think the routine needs to be tweaked so she's eating more during the day. 

As for the long nw's if she's not crying she's most likely UT and just isn't tired enough to go back to sleep. For future reference, here are the Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!     I'm also thinking that she's ready to transition to a longer easy.  So to 3.5 hrs and then on to a 4 hr easy.  Here's some info on that
Time to Transition - 3hr, 3.5hr or 4hr EASY
3-4hr EASY Transition – In 5 Minute Increments

Hope this helps.
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
Reflux, MSPI, Love my Spirited,textbook little munchkin DS Born 5/17/2012


Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 18:44:51 pm »
Her a time is already 2 hr (1st) and about 2 hr 15-2 hr 20 ( 2nd and 3rd).  I am struggling to get more food into her during the day. I already feed her six times!  I'm trying to limit the snack before her afternoon naps, I've been scared to eliminate it for fear it shortens her nap, but maybe that's what I need to do.  Hmmm.

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 18:48:02 pm »
I would try that. I did not BF so I'm not sure exactly but I think if you give her a snack before her nap she's not going to be hungry enough after? But honestly other than that if she's happy at her MOTN wakings I'm not sure what else it could be but a GS and sleep regression.
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
Reflux, MSPI, Love my Spirited,textbook little munchkin DS Born 5/17/2012


Offline Layla

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 22:53:53 pm »
At 4 months, we had anywhere from 0-2 night feeds but we didn't take as long to eat as your LO does. What I used to do was offer one side and once I would feel the let down and she stopped actively drinking, I would end the feed and swap sides and then once the active drinking stopped, I would end the feed, a gentle back rub for a burp and then back to bed.... If Jennifer woke towards the morning (2nd night E), I would offer 1 side only and then do the other side when she would wake in the morning for the day. So the morning E (6am for us) I would count as the start of the day E and do the other E's around 3.5hrs from there because she wouldn't be able to do 4 hrs between feeds back then. I also cluster fed towards the end of the day, so we had an E right after the catnap (one side) and then final E right before bedtime.

Also, maybe she's sleeping too much during the day and not tired enough to sleep at night? Maybe try not letting her sleep more than 1.5hrs per nap and 45mins for a catnap ... so something like this:

7am - wake and E
9-10.30 - morning nap
10.30 - E (both sides)
12.30-2 - afternoon nap
2pm - E (both sides)
4.30-5:15 - catnap
5pm - E (cluster feed, one side)
7pm - final E and bedtime

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2014, 00:39:42 am »
The length of feeds is something I've always struggled with.  I tend to let her stay on as long as she wants but have finally started to think she might be using me as her dummy. So I should take her off when her sucking slows down?   I will try it tonight and see.  I am also going to try to cut down the snacky feed before her nap.
I agree with you Layla, I am going to cap her naps at 90 minutes because I do think she's just not tired enough. Fingers crossed.

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2014, 04:59:32 am »
no advice,cause having our own issues here,but
couldnt read&not comment on how adorable your
avatar pic is!

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2014, 07:42:36 am »
Thanks Happy! 
We had a much better night last night. Layla, you may have saved my sanity ;) she woke at 12.20 and 4.45 and was back in her cot both times within 20 minutes. I really don't mind feeding her twice a night, it's the not going back to sleep which is killing me.  And who knew she could feed that quickly?!? 
I just have to be really strict with myself and wake her from her naps.

Offline Layla

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2014, 09:13:02 am »
Yay! I think if you keep her daytime sleep to 2x1.5hr naps and a catnap and shorten the feeds, that should hopefully do the trick.

Quote (selected)
So I should take her off when her sucking slows down
Yes, that's what I did. I would let her actively suck and then once she would slow down, I would probably keep her there for another couple of mins and then little pinky in to end the feed and put her on the other side ;).

Fingers crossed she sleeps well tonight ;D!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 09:14:54 am by Layla »

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2014, 09:54:02 am »
I will let you know. Thank you.

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2014, 07:58:56 am »
Well, she was a bit better last night. Her naps were 1 hr 15 (I had to wake her cos I had a dentist appointment), 1 hr 30, and catnap 40 minutes. Bedtime 7.30. She woke for food at 12.30 (straight to sleep) and 4. I knew at 4 that I had a problem, she was twitching and wiggling. I fed her and put her down and she quietly moaned for 20 minutes then she started fussy crying, like she wanted to sleep but couldn't, and finally she properly cried and I went and put my hand on her shoulder for a minute and she went back to sleep about 5.15. She stayed asleep till just past 7.

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2014, 06:40:55 am »
Another bad night last night.  She woke up four times before 11 pm, when I fed her, then at 2, I fed her at 4.30 and she's awake now at 6.30 am.   She did go back to sleep beautifully after her feeds so why so unsettled in between? 

Offline Layla

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2014, 22:38:44 pm »
Sorry to hear about your night :(. Do you think maybe because both her naps were cut short and she went to bed at 7.30, she may have been a little overtired?

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2014, 01:29:54 am »
Possibly, although her morning wake up was 7.15. Tbh I struggle to get her into bed for the night much earlier than that but I do know she needs to go earlier so I am going to work on it.
I think I know another reason though - she's started using her stuffed rabbit to prop herself up and roll over and she is now creeping from one end of the cot to the other.
Tonight has been a bit better, I had her in bed by 7 although it took her 15 minutes to get to sleep. She cried at 45 minutes and I checked on her and she'd gone across the cot and was up against the side. I straightened her out and she's slept till 1.20. Am feeding her now.

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2014, 21:16:35 pm »
Hey Sarah....
We're doing the same thing here, having had good nights 6pm-4am on occasion with a df, with shocking naps, now we've got excellent naps and shocking nights - waking up for a full a time just about during the night.

I'm wondering if it's food related, as we have started cueing for food back at 3hrs again... I am going to try holding him out again, 5min here 10 there, until I make it back up to 3.5 or so, and cap his naps at 1.5hr also. (I think I preferred dodgy naps and good nights to good naps and dodgy nights!)

We ended up getting a habitual waking (I think we have anyway) around 12.30 and then 2.30.. so I am working to W2S the 12.30 one. We're doing the rollover thing too.

I know this doesn't help, but perhaps its a 4mo thing??