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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2014, 08:02:38 am »
Bang goes that idea so!sorry you're having a rubbish time.x

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2014, 10:55:15 am »
She went back to sleep at 7 ::).

I'm completely flummoxed now. I will post our day tonight and maybe something will jump out.

Offline 3littlemen

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2014, 23:57:45 pm »
Hey Sarah,
I've decided to 'start' Easy - we're 16 weeks and I looked back and realised our a's were everywhere and feeds were getting up to 3.75. The last two days were interesting, first day was great naps, yesterday one of the long ones was only 30m, and today I had to resettle (though not with pupd or anything) the first. nights have improved, in that night one he woke twice and fed once, but ew was at 5.20.. last night I fed on 2.20am nw (he went to sleep at 6.30 fed at 6 df 9) and he woke at 5.40...  I realise she said it takes a week to break a habit, so I'm going to stick with my 4hr.... for a week. I mean, it can't be any worse right??? :-\

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn - Still having problems
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2014, 08:00:46 am »
So here I am back again. In the last six weeks Medi has increased her a time and dropped the third nap. But we're still having problems. I don't know where to start actually :(.  She is very spirited and is almost crawling, has started pulling up, :o, and is a rolling fool. I've been getting some grief from her doctor because her weight gain is not good enough (18 oz in last 10 weeks) so I have very slowly started weaning her but it's literally only been a few spoons of baby rice.
Last night she was awake from 1:30 till 3:45 then 4:25 till 6. I fed her at 2 and at 6. At 6 she actually went back to sleep for an hour. Other nights she'll have an ew anytime from 4:30 onwards. She's not crying. She's rolling around, chatting and grunting. Sometimes she'll poop.  Eventually she either puts herself to sleep or she gets stuck somewhere in the cot at which point she'll cry, I go in and turn her over. If she cries I do pat/shh. Sometimes she goes back to sleep. Sometimes not.  :-\
She has two naps, morning 1.5h, afternoon up to 2 h. I'm trying not to let her nap before 9 or later than 4. I don't know if she's under or over tired. I'm just so confused.

Offline LovelyLilyandJack

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2014, 08:33:02 am »
Just wanted to drop off some hugs.  We've been plagued with long nws for as long as I can remember.  We had a pattern of long nws alternating with ews which cutting day sleep and increasing A times helped with,  but I'm afraid I haven't figured out what they mean here really.  Except for:

- We get more before milestones emerge.  The physical ones are easy to spot but I guess some others could be down to mental leaps or teething.
- Jack used to be up for 1.5 - 2hrs at around 3 - 5am and then only go back to sleep for another 40-50 minutes before being up for the day. He would then treat the extra 40-50 minutes as an early nap and then EW the next day,  regardless of what I did for the rest of the day.  I think a lot of those were UT due to too much day sleep (I suspect this is still an issue for us), or not enough A time in the day. I had to give him 1 - 1.5 hrs to resettle from those very EWs, and get him up if he didn't settle in that time.  I'd have to keep him up for at least a whole A time then.  I'd try and get as close to a normal nap time as possible (I remember doing 4hrs A one morning when he was 6 months). If he woke at 3 I'd persevere with resettling for as long as it took - I wasn't starting the day at 3 - but if he woke at 4.30 and wasn't asleep again by 5.45 / 6 I'd get him up.
- Ones where jack resettled within an hour I've assumed are OT or something else.

Nothing has consistently worked for us though, so no magic answer I'm afraid.  But I know how horrible they are :( I hope you find the answer soon.

Offline becj86

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2014, 08:40:32 am »
Your little girlie reminds me of L! His a times were very high and he did stop gaining as fast when he was moving so much earlier than the other kids. When everyone else started moving, they all slowed down and they matched back up again - I'd just keep in mind how much more active she is and know she's using up a lot of what she's eating in energy for rolling, standing, etc. brain activity takes up a lot of energy too and if she's standing, etc that will be making all sorta of balance related connections.

What's her routine?

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: Awake for hours in the motn
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2014, 13:33:37 pm »
I'm not that worried about her weight actually, just put it out there as the reason I've started weaning her ;)

Yesterday was like this:
Wu 6 am ( I can live with 6) I got her up at 6:15 ish
E 7 am ( nf at 3 am)
S 8:55-10:25 (I woke her)
E 11 am
A mother and baby group - I only go once a month, she finds it so exciting, we always have a bad night after
S 13:30-15:20(she woke herself)
E 15:30
E 17:45
S in bed by 18:30, asleep by 18:30
NW 1:30 am, I fed her but she didn't go back to sleep til 3:45
NW 4:25-6
Nf 6, she fell back to sleep and woke herself at 7:20

Today she is absolutely shattered. She napped 9:45-10:30 (dd1 had music festival at school, apop nap in carrier, theses are always 30 or 45 mins)
I put her down at 13:00 and she went straight to sleep. I'll have to wake her at 3 to take dd1 swimming. I refuse to do bt before 18:00 since she very rarely tacks on.