I am looking for some tips on my daughters sleep. She is 22 months old.
Her routine is as follows:
WU: 7:00-7:15am
Nap: 1-2:50pm
BT: 7:30pm
She is pretty on track for her schedule but what my issue is when she wakes she cries..starts with a whine and if I don't get her right away she goes hysterical. The second I enter the room she stops crying is happy and starts chatting up a storm. She has a lovely that she sleeps with. Shes an independent sleeper and has always woke happy and would play in her crib until I was ready to go in and get her.
I know this is a behavioral issue but I have tried the following with not success:
1) setting my alarm before her usual WU time and going into wake her or waiting until she wakes so she knows she doesn't have to cry for me. Doesn't stop it if I am even a second later she is hysterical (almost seemed it made it worse).
2) when she woke and cried I'd open her door a crack and tell her she can't come out of the crib until she stops crying.
3) set an alarm in her room so she would associate the alarm with mom coming to get her out. However she cried hysterical until the alarm went off and never got better
4) I'm trying the gro clock now..day 2 no help with the crying..
Any suggestions?? Please..this momma is getting her grumpy pants on with all this morning crying