hello, I am so glad that I found this forum and have been reading for the past few days. my DS is having all kinds of sleeping issues (i.e. frequent NW's and demanding for feeding, only sleeping in my arms, short naps, nurse to sleep) and the main one that I have no idea how to fix is his NW around 5am...usually I feed him and try to put him back to sleep but he can never go into deep sleep in order for me to put him back to the crib and it lasts until 7,8am when everyone in the house wakes up. By then he and I are both extremely tired and he never has enough hours of sleep (max. 7 hours during the night). We've always had some routine but not the EASY approach, just approximated on daily basis...I just started EASY and the shush/pat approach few days ago when I was desperate about his sleeping issues, and he still has the 5am NW problem. Here is our EASY schedule for yesterday:
8:00am: day starts (although he didn't really sleep since 5:40am), A
9:00am to 9:05am E
10:00am to 10:44am S
11:00am to 11:20am E
12:00pm to 12:47pm S
1:04pm to 1:14pm E
2:20pm to 2:54pm S
2:58pm to 3:05pm E
4:45pm to 5:25pm S
6:20pm to 6:30pm E
7:00pm 8:00pm bedtime routine incl. bath, eat, story
8:00pm sleep
we were having same issue last night, DS didn't sleep well until 8am this morning at which time I had to hold him and he slept until 9am.
DS cried a lot the last few days since shhh/pat introduced and he seemed not as happy as before (now with swallon eyes and poker face most of the time). It hurts to see him like this and sometimes I wonder if I should quite sleep training (seems I'm shhh/pat-ing and he's crying all the time and we don't get much time to have fun any more...)
Any suggestions? not sure if anyone had similar situation?
thanks in advance