I haven't had more than 2 hours of solid sleep at a time all month. I have a 2.5 year old and 16 month old. My 2.5 year old daughter is a good sleeper, except when she's sick, which she has been a good chunk of this month. My 16 month old BF son is a nightmare. His upper molars are finally almost through after two months. As a result, he's had multiple night wakings, although he's had those even before the molars came through. But the only thing that will calm him is me nursing. I've tried having my husband go in and settle him, but he just gets furious. He's slept over at my parents several times in the past and doesn't put up nearly the fuss that he does at home at night. I was down to BFing him just once a night, around 3-5am, but now am back to one feeding usually around midnight or before, then another a few hours later, and sometimes another after that. The reason I keep doing it is a quick solution to get him back to sleep. He's not asleep when I stop nursing, but he seems comforted. He eats okay during the day, so I don't think it's hunger. He's just used to it. I don't have the energy to fight him but at the same time I can't keep going on like this. Anyone else been here?