he is very high energy, very spirited! but id say average sleep needs.
yes he is teething, one canine just popped through in last few days. the others have come up and gone down, so they are probably not too far away.
despite going to bed issues, once he goes to sleep he still sleeps his usual length of time, roughly 2hr day nap, and all night without interruptions (touch wood!). I also gave him pamol 45 mins before bed last night in case of tooth ache but still same thing.
he seems to just not want to go bed...normally I say to him 'ready for bed now' and he has been running off to his bedroom but today we had chase round the sofa instead! if it is developmental is this him just trying to assert his independence or is he now more aware that he doesn't want to stop playing/whatever he is doing...??
I did try 15 mins later today, same thing with wanting to read more books, but not really wanting to...and crying when we get up off the chair to go to the cot, but I put him in bed with a soft book he could fall asleep on, to distract him, and he was passed out within 2 mins! so that leads me to think that its not a timing issue? i'll stick with the slightly later bed for a while and see how that goes. next Q - do I cap his nap to get him in bed for 7.30pm ish? lol!! Thanks for your help