DD is 13.5 months and has a half hour nap in the morning after 3hrs 45mins A time, then has another 3 hrs 15 mins A time and a 1.5 hour nap, and then 3 hrs 15 mins A time till bedtime.
This has been working quite well for the last two or three months at home.
At nursery they say that they will stick to our schedule but her naps do vary quite a lot. usually 30-40 mins in the morning and then 30 mins to an hour in the afternoon but they usually put her down earlier than we would (sometimes with only 2 or so hours A time because they say she just gets sleepy). I think that she wakes more because of the other babies than the A time though, because even if they push her to 2pm she still wakes earlier than at home.
she seems to cope quite well with it though, and sleeps well at night still.
In the next two or three months she will likely move to the next room at nursery but can't move until she is on one nap a day from 12.30pm - 2.30pm.
So my question is would you start trying to go for one nap at nursery and hope she gets a longer, better nap or just stick with things as they are? And if you go for one nap do we just do it cold turkey now or drop the morning nap to 20mins?
She is an angel / textbook baby but used to get quite badly OT and cry a lot before a nap if she was, although that hasn't happened since she was about 8 months.