Author Topic: 13 MO 2-1 question  (Read 1118 times)

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Offline Laura_kap

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13 MO 2-1 question
« on: February 09, 2014, 12:15:54 pm »
my little guy is almost 13 mod (came 3 weeks early) - I've just recently gone back to work full time, and he is learning to walk - so his sleep has been a mess.  I think it's finally starting to stabilize again, but i'm really struggling with nightie sleep vs naps as well.

right now he usually does this:
5-6am wakes (very quiet - eyes open playing quietly on his back)
6:30 breakfast
9am-bottle and nap (usually 1hour or so)
11:30-noon = Lunch
2pm bottle & Nap - (we wake him by 3:30 if he's still sleeping)
5:00-5:30 - Dinner
1/2 bottle/Bath/Story - in bed 7-7:30 - sometime falls alseep right away, sometimes plays for an hour!

He's been waking at 4:30 am all week last week, no idea why - and skipping naps, somedays he'll lay for an hour in the AM or PM nap slot and roll, jump, moan...but not sleeping!! so when he's been falling asleep 7-8pm, and waking at 4ish - he's only getting 8-9 hours night sleep!!!
Could he be trying to adjust to 1 nap?

I don't want to force the 1 nap if he isn't ready...right now I'm just trying to follow his cues but feel very lost - we've been on the EASY schedule since 4 months, and it's always worked very very very well for my little guy. since he's turned 1 year - I'm so lost and hate not feeling in control of his needs. the weird part is - he's generally very happy and active???

Offline *Becky*

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Re: 13 MO 2-1 question
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 13:33:26 pm »
If it were me I would start cutting down the morning sleep before going to 1 nap. I would wake him after 30 mins in the am and then PD for his pm nap about 3 hours later. EWings can sometimes happen when the first nap is too early and/or long. Ideally I would push it to more like 9.30am so his day would be...
A - 6am ish
Nap - 9.30-10am
Nap - 1-2.30pm
BT - 7pm
what do you think?

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!

Offline Laura_kap

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Re: 13 MO 2-1 question
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2014, 00:27:42 am »
worth a try....thank you for your thoughts!

last night - he didn't fall asleep until 8pm, we did his usual night-time routine, and put him down around 7 - and he laid eyes open rolling occasionally for almost a full hour!

this morning:
- Woke at 5am
- breakfast - play - bottle - then tried to put him down for morning nap at 8:30-9am...he played, pooped/changed him, then put him back down - he played for another 30 mins or so, then my mother in law just pulled him out since he had no interest in sleeping
- my mother in law played with him actively to try and wear him down - gave him a snack then put him down and he slept from 11-1pm (2hrs)
- Lunch, play, bottle - needless to say, no second nap, but she tried anyway.
- then tonight dinner, bottle, bedtime routine - just fell asleep now (7:10pm)

some days he seems to want 1 nap, other days this normal for this age?  ???  he is my first, and like I said, a lot of changes for him now - developmentally, mom's back at work, at home with grandmothers....etc...etc....

thanks in advance -

Offline *Becky*

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Re: 13 MO 2-1 question
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2014, 13:36:44 pm »
it is normal for them to do some 1 nap and some 2 nap days when they first transition yes....

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!