worth a try....thank you for your thoughts!
last night - he didn't fall asleep until 8pm, we did his usual night-time routine, and put him down around 7 - and he laid eyes open rolling occasionally for almost a full hour!
this morning:
- Woke at 5am
- breakfast - play - bottle - then tried to put him down for morning nap at 8:30-9am...he played, pooped/changed him, then put him back down - he played for another 30 mins or so, then my mother in law just pulled him out since he had no interest in sleeping
- my mother in law played with him actively to try and wear him down - gave him a snack then put him down and he slept from 11-1pm (2hrs)
- Lunch, play, bottle - needless to say, no second nap, but she tried anyway.
- then tonight dinner, bottle, bedtime routine - just fell asleep now (7:10pm)
some days he seems to want 1 nap, other days 2....is this normal for this age?

he is my first, and like I said, a lot of changes for him now - developmentally, mom's back at work, at home with grandmothers....etc...etc....
thanks in advance -