Thanks Naomi for ur help.
I am still waiting for her first molars to cut through. She has always been a very happy baby but a super active spirited baby. This phase is so hard. These few days she suddenly becomes more aware of things, she knows we can take things away from her n she can't always have what she wants. She starts to throw massive tantrums like I have never seen before.
Ever since we came back from holiday beginning of feb, she started teething, NW and occasional short naps. Then now NW stopped. Only occasional cry but she is still asleep so I just sing her a lullaby thru monitor n she when back to sleep.
Before holiday it was
Wu 0545-0630 ( but out of bed at 0645)
Nap 1145/1200-1345/1400 ( set time at 1145 but I moved slowly to 1200 to get a longer nap)sometimes 1.5 hr only
BT was 1830 but moved to 1900/1915 when nap is longer.
Cannot have nap of >2.15hr otherwise we have night wake.
Currently this week
Wu 0600-0630 (out of bed 0645)
Nap 1200/1215-1330
BT varies from 1900-1930 but I make sure she is in bed at 1845
I haven't been consistently medicating her with nurofen only with hylands teething meds. At bedtime is okie is the nap that is getting shorter that I am worried. I only give nurofen when I notice she is very grumpy in the morning and I figure the teething is really bothering her n hylands teething meds is not helping.
This am
Wu 0650
Nap 1230-1325 ( since she woke up late so I thought I will put down late.) but she woke up not crying undertired nap. I am sure of it.
BT in bed at 1847 asleep by 1900
I was so surprise! Oh yah I gave nurofen maybe that is why.
What am I doing wrong here Naomi?
What if she wakes up tomorrow at 0600 n if I put her down at 1230 that is 6.5 hr awake although first 45 mins is quiet time in bed.?
She has always been good after transition to one nap has always slept 1.5 to 2.15 hr at least. I now realised molar is so bad. Is it also developmental ?
Thanks Naomi and Sara for looking into this for me. I really appreciate it so much. It's so frustrating n disheartening. Everytime I thought I got it right she short naps again.