I've been posting struggling with naps for quite a while now. She is now 3.5 months old and getting bigger bags under her eyes upon waking every day with EW.
Do I just have to accept that she gets more tired every day, or do I resort to seeking to employ someone to carry my baby in a sling for several days to see if I can sort this? Carrying in the sling is the only thing that will work to 're-set' her but my back wont cope with carrying her for 8.5 hours a day for several days to do this. I really wish I could but have a weak back, no time for pilates and if I injure it, my lo will get no naps!
She is touchy and will be fine then suddenly scream if we are not in the house and something upsets her. I avoid taking her anywhere
Ssh/pat (I rub back) only gets 45 mins if lucky, I have tried everything to extend, it does not work. It has to be after milk to work.
She only sleeps 9.5 hours at night (i.e. 10 ish hours in cot with 1 night feed) thankful for this but not sure how long this last.
She wakes tired.
Early bed say 6.30pm results in being awake latest 4:30am
Naps in the sling (only the same sling) only get her truly rested if i'm in the same environment, moving at the same pace (i.e can't go to the toilet) with background noise. All else including pram gets 30-45 mins.
She is happy enough in the day and seems to cope with being tired but is clearly overtired and fussy by the end of the day. She cried during feeding now as she realises how tired she is.
She won't take a dummy, spends most of the day stuffing her fingers in her mouth but can't find her thumb.
She will suck on a fabric toy but as soon as this is taken away eyes ping open.
I think she needs 16hours sleep when not already overtired
We squeeze 14 hours a day in when all naps are in the sling, but she is still tired upon waking.
There doesn't appear to be anything bothering her requiring medication from the helpful posts on this forum. Hiccups and acid breath when really tired.
The plan is to get a treadmill, put some white noise on and aim for 3x 2 hour naps and 1x 1hr nap. To do this, I would have to get someone else to carry her.
I'm after some advice and experience from those who have had to live with an over tired baby. My first was overtired but could cope with less sleep and she would respond to some techniques, and slept 11 hrs at night, naps improved with age. I'm not sure things will with this one.
Do I do whatever possible to re-set her and risk my back and time with my 3 yr old or just live with this and hope it doesn't get worse nd live in hope???