His WU time is usually around 6.15 - 6.45 (nearer 7 if we have nws), and nap is currently set at 12.15. He usually wakes around 2.30, though occasionally I have to resettle after 1hr20, but not so much lately. He is often stirs once during his nap though and resettles himself. Bedtime is 7.30, but he's rather prone to long nws around 3/4am. He always has been really, and probably does this at least once a week - more at the moment but he is cutting molars as well. They tend to improve when I've upped his A times in the past, or reduced day sleep, but I want to give him a chance to settle into one nap before I make any other changes, and for these molars to cut.
He's generally a really happy boy and wakes from his nap and in the morning very happy. I wouldn't say he's especially tired in general. I'd love to figure out the long nws really. We've had nws the last three nights, but he's been ill and teething. Otherwise we're doing ok, apart from the night wakings! He's also getting slightly less sleep in 24hrs than he used to on one nap, but this could just be his sleep needs changing? He averages 2hrs 15 in the day and probably 10hrs 30 - 10hrs 45 at night.
And yes, ideally he'd do 11 hr nights, but he's done 13hrs sleep in 24 for ages now, and I remember my daughter's overall sleep needs dropping a little at around 12 months so I'm wondering if he's doing the same?