I think if your medicating and seeing no difference in his sleep patterns then no its unlikely to be just pain. What I have seen happen a lot is that LO go through a rough patch starting around 15/16 months (developmental WW leap) then this leads into teething and the 18 nth sleep regression. Once it is all over, or things have settled LO is then a bit lost on what they need, how to settle themselves, and then end up in an UT/OT loop, or needing some ST again. We were lucky in that one or two nights of WI/WO always worked well, but both my boys love their beds, and have never wanted to settle with us in the room or on us unless really sick. (believe it or not this can actually be a PITA
I think he is too young for NND, unless its the odd one, I really do.
heres what I think could work, it will be hard but things are hard already hun aren't they? I am not saying you need to do this ok. Its only if your ready and comfortable.
* I would go for a longer first A. 5.5 hrs A. Nap and 5 hrs A to BT. Id be tempted to push that first A to 6hrs if this doesn't work but id give it a good week.
* WU is no earlier than 6am. If it is the day doesn't start till 6. Keep him in his room in the dark. Even fi you have to lie with him.
* Naps and BT. - No more sitting in his room till he falls asleep, same with NW. You explain to him before his nap and bt the day you start several times through the day etc that he will sleep in his room and mummy is always there if he needs you. Mummy can hear you if you need me. But, mummy isn't going to stay in your room anymore till you fall asleep. You do BT/Nap routine. Stay maybe 5 mins extra for cuddles/comfort/reminder then you leave. You stand outside the door and only when he does an I need you cry (not a tantrum) do you go back in. Comfort. then leave in no longer than 5 mins. This could take hours. Abandon the nap after 45mis if you have too and BT you continue till asleep.
* You can use your voice to comfort from outside the room.
* Do not wake in the morning unless he sleeps past 7/7.30 and let him sleep up to 1hr45 for his nap to start with
He will be angry, he will be sad, he will probably scream. But, I think he has forgotten how to sleep on his own and this will help him learn that he can do it and that you will come if he needs you but you won't stay with him all night, every night. That he doesn't call the shots on naps and BT. YK? He will get OT, but you can use EBT to manage this. He will eventually sleep I promise. You will likely want to get some ear plugs :-/
What do you think? - You do not have to do this ok, Im just giving you an option to move forward if you think your ready and he needs it ok. I will hold your hand through this xxx