My 13 month boy has never sleep though the night since born.
His biggest sleep issue to me is that he can not sleep long during the night.
He always wake up at 3 to 4 AM, and up for a long time, like 1h30m - 3h, typical is 2h, then go back to sleep around 5 AM, then wake up at 7:00 or 7:30AM
Sometimes he can sleep though (wake at 2 or 3AM, but go back to sleep soon, like 20min) to 5:00AM, and up until the breakfast time 7:00 AM, then go back to sleep at 8:30 or 9:00AM.
If he wake up and cry, and he usually would go back to sleep within 30 min.
But if he wake up without cry, then he will start to play in his bed.
He sleep in his own bed, but in the same room with me (we can not offer a separate room for him now), and had a sleep routine: bath, bottle feed, brush teeth, then dim light, put him to his bed, let a toy to play a quite music.
I started sleep training together with my husband 20 days ago to remove night and solve night awake issue:
When it came to his bed time, I will do the sleep routine and I will lay on my our bed to wait him to sleep, and he will cry after a while, then I will go to help him to calm down (put my hand on his body(he was rolling in the bed time to time) and whisper to him "go to sleep" over and over, and he can go to sleep no more 20 minutes for night sleep (nap may take a little bit longer sometimes).
I would do the same work if he woke up and cry during the night.
But if he woke up not cry, but play. I did not know how to force him back to sleep.
- At the beginning, He would play by himself for a while(I would pretend I was sleeping at this time)
- Then He would stand up and face to me, and cried aloud to ask me to response to him. And I put him down and whisper to him "go to sleep", then he tried to stand up over and over, and I also put him down over and over, it will last for quite a while (like 30 minutes), however he took this as game, since he was ready to be put down before I lay him down.
- He tied and would not try to stand up that much then but still not sleep (sylphlike, touch the handrail of his bed etc, suck finger), it may last for a while, I feel like 20 to 30 minutes, if wake up at 5 PM or later, this play time will last more (over 1 hour )
- Then cry, I try to put my hands on him and speech to him, but not work well, If I pick him up(not more than 5 minutes), he will stop cry after a while, but cry more load when put down. So I change to not to pick him up, only put down when he tried to getup(not fully stand up). He would cry to a long time (like 10 or 20 minutes), and stop for a while but still could not sleep, and recurred and calm again. and this will last for 30 minutes or more.
So he had always keep awake over 1h30m or 2h. And this time is really hard to me and it already last for several month.
He had teeth issue for over 1 month, and seems have "Separation Anxiety" too .
Besides, he was not use pacifier for over one and half month. He had no special lovie so far. And He had EASY since 5 month to 6 month (he is an angle at day, but little Devil at night. But disordered when 12 month (after an illness)
This is his day time routine (sine morning weak up time is flowing, it really hard to make EASY), and A time is about 4 hours
Routine 1) if eary awake
5:00 getup & play
7:00 bottle milk (5oz)
8:00 breakfast (grain&vegetable, sometime have little meet or egg)
9:00 nap 1h30m
10:30 fruits
11:30 bottle milk (4 or 5oz)
12:20 lunch (grain&vegetable&meet)
14:00 fruits
14:30 nap 1h30m or 2h
17:00 bottle milk (5oz)
18:00 dinner (noodle&vegetable&meet)
19:45 bath
20:10 bottle milk (6 or 7oz)
20:30 or 21:00 sleep
Routine 2) if fall back to sleep
7:00 wake up
7:30 bottle milk (5oz)
8:15 breakfast (grain&vegetable, sometime have little meet or egg)
10:00 fruits
11:00 bottle milk (4 or 5oz)
11:00 nap 1h30m
12:30 lunch (grain&vegetable&meet)
14:30 fruits
16:30 nap 1h30m or 2h
18:00 bottle milk (5oz)
18:40 dinner (noodle&vegetable&meet)
20:10 bath
20:40 bottle milk (6 or 7oz)
21:00 sleep
Now second nap is a little big late in routine 2).
I tried to let him take 1 naps, but not work.
I don't know how to adjust the routine now.
I have a lot of questions and really need help.