Yes I've always been hesitant to let him have toys in his room but recently he's insisted on taking various toys to bed with him. He already has a bed crammed full of cuddlies but recent additions have included board books and his new tractor on his birthday (almost as big as him!!) which he wouldn't be separated from. I went to remove it in the night as I was afraid he'd bump his head on it and wake up but he was cuddling it so tightly I had to leave it there! To his credit, he still slept though til 7.
We've had EW's at 6am for the last two mornings. Unusual for him as he's usually a 7-8am waker. Think it's the snot and possible OT-ness as Daddy's been late home the last few nights so naughty me, I've let him stay up til 8 to see him. Anytime after about 7pm he gets crazier and crazier until he's just running round in circles shouting at the top of his lungs until he eventually has a massive meltdown. Keeping him up late means he's been a crazy hoon the last few nights.
He's a clingy grumpy little man this week so haven't attempted any new wake-up ideas as 6am seemed a bad time to do any of them! It's been Cbeebies on the sofa instead while I stew over a cup of tea...