Hi All!
My daughter is 26 months old and a touchy baby. She's always been difficult with naps and extremely sensitive to OT/UT. She had been doing wonderfully (2 - 2.5 hours usually) for naps until we took away her dummy about 6 weeks ago. She has finally forgotten about her dummy, but the long naps have still not returned.
She naps for 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or occasionally 1 hour. After these poor naps, she always wakes up extremely full of energy and then has meltdowns for the rest of the day ... whereas usually after a good nap, she is sleepy and rests for a little while, wants a nice cuddle, etc. until she's fully awake and ready for the afternoon. So, I feel convinced that she does need the longer nap and it's not just that needs less sleep.
Could it be that her schedule needs tweaking? I tried pushing her nap back by 15 minutes and 30 minutes, but if anything she slept less (only 30 minutes) and woke up extremely cross. If I put her down earlier for her nap, she plays loudly in her bed until her normal nap time anyway.
Wake up: 7:00am
Nap: 12:30pm - 1:00pm
Nighttime: 7pm (6:30pm on days she's slept less than 30 minutes, 6:45 on days she's slept only 45).
Thank you so much for any input you might have for me and my stinker of a sleeper! She's driving me nuts and waking up her brother daily!!