Author Topic: awake time for 5.5mnth old  (Read 1623 times)

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awake time for 5.5mnth old
« on: February 19, 2014, 13:40:41 pm »
Hello Everyone:)

I was hoping someone could help me. My son is about 5.5mnths old and has always loved his sleep! However, my issue is, i finally got him to a 2hr awake time 1 month ago but he will NOT move forward in his awake time since. Not even 15 minutes.
My question is, what would be a typical awake time? ( i have already looked at the link of average awake times but wanted peoples real experiences pls) What toys are okay for this age? ( He seems to only like his kick and play piano) and lastly, what would a typical day look like if he were to wake at 830am?

Thank you in advance for your help!! This forum is absolutely AMAZING
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 19:49:52 pm by mboruch »

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Re: awake time for 5.5mnth old
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 03:46:10 am »
Hi there!

There are some really great toy/activity ideas here: Activity and toy ideas for 3-6mths

I honestly can't remember exact A times mine were doing at that age (on the other side of this, have you looked at some of the sample schedules - they would give you a range of what babies of a similar age were doing) but my question for you would be how his sleep is.  If he's giving you decent naps and nights, I wouldn't mess with the A time -- if you're getting shorter naps or a lot of wakings, then it would indicate that you would need to lengthen your A time. 

Offline lhurley168

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Re: awake time for 5.5mnth old
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 15:43:49 pm »
In the past I've tried to extend A time in the morning. I'll try to extend it out 10-15 minutes for a few days. Once DS was comfortable with that I'd move on to extending A time before his second nap. The most successful way for me was to wind down but still keep him awake. I'd give him his paci and we'd sit and read a book with the lights off but the blinds open for natural light. Then when its finally a good time for a nap I'd lay him down and close the blinds all the way. That little transitioning seemed to really help. It's always harder to keep him entertained with a big production then go straight into a nap. I'd suggest using that transition time to really extend A times.

xoxo - Laura