Have you thought about doing just set nap times instead of looking at A time? Both of my kids around this age seemed to need that set time instead of A time. When we started doing S's nap at 1pm instead of coating A, things settled down a lot. We then capped her naps. Of course, if it's a rough night and she wakes up early or something, I adjust a little bit, but more by 15 minutes or so. It may take you a little bit of time to get to that set nap time, but it may be a good goal and help you worry less about counting hours and such.
As for NW. Are they regular (at the same time each night) or sporadic? Is there teeth involved or hunger? S went through a GS around this time along with teething. We started really working to pack her full of food during the day. For her NW we would settler her, and shh when she'd cry out and then sneak out. Sometimes it meant lying in her room for 10-15 minutes or longer (especially if we fell asleep). It was hard not to just give her a bottle, but in the end she out grew the waking and we didn't cause any more bad habits.