I have always found your advice so useful, I would please like to know what you would do in this situation… Thank you!!!
My 17 months DS learned to sleep a few months ago thanks to you guys. It´s amazing to see how well he self-soothes and sleeps now on his own for naps, at BT,… However, he still wakes up at least 1 or 2 times per night asking to breastfeed (which he does´t get to do until after 6,30am, as we weaned the rest of the night feeds a few months ago… Now, he just BF twice a day: at about 6,30-7 am and 5 pm).
My question is about what to do about the 6,30am BF, which is actually a night feed, as he goes back to sleep after it and wakes up at 9am= Spanish schedule). I am lately wondering whether I am sending him a confusing message on what he is going to get during the night, because
every time he wakes up in the middle of the night and cries, I do WA/WO…but when he cries at 6,30-7am he gets to BF (inconsistency???). Maybe, from his point of view, there is not a consistent consequence to his crying ("sometimes I don't get to BF, but other times I do")… and that could explain that every time he wakes up, he insists really hard asking for BF...
Do you think I shouldn't BF him during the night at all, and put off the 6,30 feed (with WIWO) until wake up time or morning? (e.g. 9am Spanish schedule)
I would then BF him with lights on, etc to make a clear difference between night (you don't eat) and day (you do eat). Maybe lights on a timer would help? What do you think about postponing the 6,30 BF? I´m afraid if I try to do WIWO at that time he will be so angry/hungry he won't get back to sleep…. (And, selfishly, I prefer him sleeping until 9….
Just in case you need more info, this is his EASY routine:
E 6,30am BF
S until 9am: WU and E solid breakfast
E 1pm lunch
S 2-4pm nap
E 5pm BF
E dinner 8,30pm
S 9pm
thank you very much!!!