My dd has started waking at 9.30 at night, and she has me stumped!! She is 24 weeks and has slept through since she was 4 wo, but with bumps along the way thanks to a recently finally diagnosed cmpa. I stupidly took advice from a friend with a two yo and a baby only a day older than my dd this week to start cutting out a bottle, and for the two days I did my dd woke at 9.30 and then 3am. The 9.30 wake I assumed was for the dream feed, 3am I was stumped as I normally thought hunger woke them at 5? Anyway she settled both nights after the dream feed and with dummy at 3am, and yesterday I decided to follow my own thoughts on as and when she's ready to cut out milk feeds, and went back to 5 feeds. Last night was a horror with her allergy so she was still awake at 9.30, but no 3am wu. Tonight however, she has woken at 9.30?! The only things I can think of- has this become a quick habit? Or, she went to bed having had 2oz less than normal because she was so exhausted she couldn't manage it- could this really be enough to wake her half an hour before the dream feed?! Stumped!!!