Hello I have a 16 week old short napper. She usually wakes up at the 30 min mark I have tried various things as W2S, letting her fuss, re settling, increase A time from 1hr 30 min to 1hr 45 - 2 hr. She just doesn't seem to nap longer than arou6d the 30 min mark. She wakes up happy though (most of the time)
She is formula fed.. no reflux.. she has a pacifier which she uses quite a bit but she won't wake up at night crying for it. I did the quiz and she is a textbook baby. We always put her down awake for naps and very sleepy for bedtime
Here is our schedule - we are on 3 hours Easy - this varies just an example - Activity varies from 1:45 - 2hrs
She will usually sleep from about 730 PM to 6AM bottle and back till around 8:30 or 9AM
E - 9AM
A - this varies at times try to keep her up for 2 hours now
S - 11AM (30 min nap) wakes up and just hangs out in crib for about 10 min then cries. Goes for naps in cribs always at home unless we are out. She usually fusses a bit but then settles quite easy
E - 12 PM
S - 1:30PM (30 min nap) find she is a bit cranky after this one
E - 3PM
S - 4;30 (30 min nap)
E - 6PM ( not a full bottle)
A - 7PM bath time
E - 7:30 Bottle
S - 7:30 - 8:00 PM
She will sleep through the night most of the time.
I don't know how to move to a 4 hr schedule there have been times where I can get her to go 3.5 hours between feedings but the short naps are mixing me up....