Last night was the worst night we've ever, EVER had. DD was awake until 11pm!
When DD doesn't naturally WU on her own, I've noticed that if I let her have a 1h 45m, 1h 30m, 30-45m naps, that she has good nights but chatty EWU. So I was capping her naps but giving her an extra 15m for one nap because her nights seemed to be better that way.
Yesterday she naturally WU from all of her naps 2x 1.5, 1x 37m CN. I tried to put her down for BT after 1h 20m A time and she kept waking up after a few minutes. When I thought she was finally asleep, I took a shower but she WU and cried during my entire shower and until we both went to sleep at 11

I feel like I'm doing it all wrong because she is becoming more difficult to put down, sometimes not just BT. When she has bad nights and falls asleep late, should I still follow the 8am WU and try to stretch her A times? What about her EWU, should I push A times then too? I know BW is more routine than schedule but I feel like if I go more off of her cues, then she would be put down for BT so early! Would I make it worse for myself if I just forced her to a 3-2? I feel like if it gets better now, in a few weeks, I'll have to deal with transitioning her to 3-2
Thanks again for all of your help and sticking with me. It really helps that I can turn here especially when DH isn't home to help me